2.12 - Legacy

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Time never waits for anyone and everything is bound to be marked by it. However, some extraordinary beings have the honor of marking time with their actions, while others are forgotten. Pendragons are the definition of something extraordinary in the world of Midragar.

In this field, the Player must create at least two brief events in the PC's past. One must tell of an undeniably good thing that resulted from the character's actions and the other must tell of an undeniably bad thing (emphasis on "bad" and not "evil") that may or may not be the result of a direct action of the character's actions.

For example, by killing a god who demanded sacrifices of newborn babies, a people lost their harvest and this caused hundreds of young and old people in the region to starve to death. By destroying a center for invoking spirits, a tyrant king lost his power and was deposed by his own people, but this left the kingdom unprotected and it ended up being attacked by neighbors.

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