2.1.7 - Lung

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Considered the most beautiful species among all the others this Pendragon is the most welcomed by the various Elevated. She's the subject of paintings and poems, worthy of festivities whenever she grants a people the air of her grace.

Because she's so beautiful in whatever form she takes, she's often regarded as passive and incapable of doing harm. However, she's still a beast like all the others but prefers magical combat to physical ones because she does not have a body that matches the monstrosity of others.

Beastly Aspect

· Long, narrow snout.

o When it is male, it has a long mustache that accompanies the main lining.

· If it is female, it has antennae that start just above the eyebrow and follow the main coat.She has at least one pair of antlers in the shape of branches.

· She uses antigravitational magic to float eternally and is the only one capable of doing so without spending Vigor.

· Slender and long body

· Four-legged and wingless

o She can attack with her claws and fangs, but usually uses magic for combat.

· Non-prehensile long tail

· Canonically it is always female.

Mortal Aspect

· Fine and very delicate features.

· Height considered high for many people in Midragar.

· She's able to float, however, she cannot go very high or carry anything with her.

· The tail is longer than the body.

o She can get it wrapped around her waist.

· She has extreme difficulty walking bipedal because she rarely steps on the ground in the Beastly Aspect.

· She has a very difficult time learning manual skills.



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(cover - White Lung Dragon by Mythka)

Pendragons, About beasts and mortals 0.1a (RPG)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora