Lore 1 - Continents

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There are 4 (four) continents in Midragar and a pseudo-continent that was created from an Arcane River. They are: Brittania, Hue, Alfenar and Orcsha.


This continent was inspired by the Mediterranean regions and is full of cliffs, mountain ranges and plateaus.

Most of the continent's High races are those most apt to survive in mountainous regions, and the largest and most powerful kingdoms are those that have dominion over such mountains.

All the large-scale confrontations that take place in the region are for the control of the mountain ranges that in addition to granting great defensive advantage also shelter many resources in the natural cave systems underneath these.

By having the fields and prairies at the top of the plateaus, added to the elevated position on the globe, it is very difficult to maintain plant and animal life in the same region. For this reason, the High Ones who do not live in the mountain ranges are nomads who cross the continent every season.

Sometimes it is necessary to cross the mountain range that divides the continent in half and this is always a great event for everyone. Whether it is a commemorative event that brings unity, agreements and development or a complete bloodbath only depends on the benevolence of the kingdoms that control the mountain ranges at that time.


Continent inspired by South America with a dense vegetation that covers most of the region and gradually turns into a mountain range the further south one travels.

Hue is the center of Midragar's diversity, both of fauna and flora. The region is home to the largest number of species in the world, alone accounting for 57% (fifty-seven percent) while the other continents share the other 43% (forty-three percent)

Consequently, the diversity of Elevated is also very high which generates certain phenomena such as being the first continent to completely extinguish another race of High, having the largest number of interspecies conflicts of all continents and being the cradle of chimeric aberrations.

The flora of Hue is also known worldwide for being the most dangerous and evolved for the High. With extremely lethal toxins flowing naturally in various plants. However, this also makes the region the largest food trading point on the planet.


Inspired by the coldest regions of the Earth (Canada, Russia, Alaska, among others). Alfenar has a boreal forest that stretches across half the continent and the other half is such an icy region where not even trees can grow. Only perfectly adapted species can survive the low temperatures.

The region is the most technologically and philosophically advanced as the High Heights spend most of their time inside their homes during the unforgivable winter.

The boreal forest of Alfenar is protected from the freezing sea wind by a mountain range that runs through most of the southern part of the continent. There is only one opening in the Southwest where a phenomenon known as "the white death" creates a dense fog that invades the lower parts of the continent during the summer solstice.

Such an event is the result of the warm air that comes from the neighboring continent, Orcsha, encountering the icy waters of Alfenar, condensing into fog and being guided into the mainland by rivers and lakes.

The white death got its name for two reasons. First, because it is used in several attacks during armed conflicts to cover up the advances of one troop on the other. And second, for causing the sinking of several vessels, since it happens suddenly.

Few are the conflicts in Alfenar and short ones as well. However, they are always slaughter, because of the strategies of the Elevates of the region. These are a globally recognized asset.


It was expected that this would be a warmer and more desert continent, but this concept was pushed to the limit. Orcsha is a continent with regions that have never seen water and will never see it.

Nicknamed the "golden land" because of the sand that spreads across the entire continent and still manages to make its way to other regions of the world, Orcsha is home to one of the most hostile regions of Midragar, the desert of crystals.

The desert is home to hundreds, perhaps thousands, of clashes of nomadic tribes seeking veins of water in the mountains to the north. Rarely does a tribe stay long in control of the water before being annihilated, enslaved, or expelled.

The crystal desert was the site of the "brazier revolt" where a princess resumed her post as leader of her tribe after managing to ally herself with a Dragon. The place where such events took place, today are temples preserved by the locals. The only place where it's held to be truly neutral in all of Orcsha. It ends up being a center for refugees because of this.

Canonically it was also the first place where a large-scale clash between Pendragons took place. The other Pendragons didn't like the idea of one of them bowing down and joining the High instead of participating in the Hunt and tried to get the Dragon back to his post. All were killed, leaving only the Dragon who had to revive each of them before killing himself and being reborn as well. This is the origin of King Edwyn, the Arthur of the Pendragons.

The other regions of Orcsha boil down to savannas and fields where hunting animals is the main means of acquiring food.

This creates a culture very much geared towards conquest and violence, as the weak who cannot kill their food end up dying. It is common for some High who live in isolation to have certain traits of cannibalism (they hunt the ancestral fauna and eat them the resonants of the bodies of other Highs).

The Elevated few who manage to create and maintain pastures often take an oath of nonviolence to further distance themselves from the other more brute peoples.

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