Chapter 43: Recruitment

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The sauce workshop was completed, and the man who worked it thought that he would go out to find a job again. Received the news that the factory needs to recruit workers, and anyone who is suitable can sign up.

If they are all interested in doing this job, they don't need to apply again, and they will have a place directly.

Those men all looked happy, and they all went to work in the sauce workshop.

Wei Cheng also agreed, but Wei Cheng didn't let the three brother-in-laws enter the sauce workshop, but talked with them alone for a while, and they followed Wei Cheng's arrangement.

Wei Cheng announced the news that the sauce workshop would recruit workers to the market. After hearing the news, the men who couldn't find a job and those who were looking for a job all asked what the requirements were, when and where they would be recruited.

Fortunately, it is written in the notice issued.

Everyone in the market knows that a large workshop has been newly established in the suburbs. According to sources, the owner behind this workshop is Taifulou, the largest restaurant in the county.

Anyone who wants to inquire about what the workshop does should stop, so as not to offend Tai Fu Lou.

Job recruitment information is spread all over the country. Those who can't find a job and those who meet the requirements want to try their luck.

As a result, hundreds of people came on the day of the job recruitment. Although some people were selfish and worried that others would grab their jobs, they silently concealed the job recruitment news, otherwise more people would come.

Seeing so many people, Zhou Yuan was too timid to go.

Wei Cheng was also surprised that so many people came.

There are only 20 recruits for the sauce workshop, and there are a few people who helped build the workshop before, Aunt Yang's son, family helper He Fan's husband Yang Dashan, and the remaining 13 places.

After thinking about it for a while, Wei Cheng asked Wei Hu and Wei Yi to set up two more tables to set up two new recruitment positions. Wei Yi knew how to write, and asked him to write down the type and requirements of the job being recruited. They were hiring long-term workers for the workshop at home, and recruiting chefs and waiter workers for shops in the county.

Since there are so many people here, we might as well recruit them together.

Those who came to apply for the job were all from the country, and basically could not read. A few men who could read read out the posted job requirements and positions. Some people couldn't hear them, so they all asked. There were more than a hundred people, and the men's voices were loud and noisy.

Wei Cheng ordered Wei Hu, Wei Hu stood up, his voice was very penetrating, and directly suppressed the place.

"Everyone is quiet, if you keep making noise, leave me."

The stern-faced Wei Hu's aura is quite capable of bluffing.

Hearing Wei Hu's words, the commentators dared not speak up, for fear of being driven away and losing their jobs.

Wei Hute was satisfied that these people were obedient, and nodded his head seriously, as if he was in charge.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Wei Hu explained to his master and read aloud the requirements and positions of the recruiters. The sauce workshop and Wei Cheng's workshop were 30 yuan a day, including lunch. A restaurant costs 30 cents a day and three meals a day, and you must have worked as a handyman in a restaurant before you can apply for the job. After reading it, he said: "Whatever job you want to apply for, just line up in which team, and start now."

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