Chapter 45-New employees

Start from the beginning

"It's a reserved for those whose fighting spirit is potent enough to manifest within their body, becoming the physical embodiment of their spirit. From what I've gathered, each person's Unwavering Spirit is unique and distinct, unlike the seven Dying Will Flames that everyone is born with. Not even fire really, just pure will." Reborn elaborated.

"So, only a select few have access to it, huh? Quite intriguing," Izuku remarked, absorbing the information.

"I've just sent you the locations of some demons; you know what to do," Reborn stated before departing.

"Maybe it's time we consider bringing in some fresh faces," Fenrir suggested, and Izuku gave a nod.

"I'll post the advertisement on the dark web once we close for the night" Izuku replied, just as more patrons entered the bar.

Next Day-
Izuku found himself on a construction site, positioned on one of the higher floors of the incomplete building. Donning a yellow hard hat, he was joined by Majima and Nishida.

"When you asked me to help with construction, I didn't expect it to involve defusing a fucking bomb!" Izuku exclaimed with frustration, directing his ire at Majima, who simply shrugged.

"Could've just duked it out with me, ya know?" Majima retorted, to which Izuku let out a resigned sigh.

"Anyway, Nishida, how many wires are left?" Izuku inquired, shifting his focus.

"We're down to the last two wire's sir," Nishida responded, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"Is tapping your forehead like that really helping you find the correct wire?" Izuku inquired, tapping his own forehead lightly, to which Majima nodded.

"Sure is, Izu-chan. It's all about trustin' them instincts," Majima replied, a mischievous grin forming on his face. Izuku couldn't help but facepalm at the response.

"You're relying on instincts!?" Nishida exclaimed, clearly taken aback by his boss's audacious approach.

"What's the matter? Ya doubting my instincts?" Majima retorted, his tone taking a more serious and threatening turn. Izuku instinctively stepped back, sensing the change in atmosphere.

"Cut the red wire!" Majima commanded, but Nishida hesitated, his voice trembling.

"Sir, I have a mother to take care of back home, and if I die, she'd be real sad, so..." Nishida began, his reluctance to defuse the bomb evident.

"That's why we're doing it numbass. Izu-chan here can patch us up if we get blown to bits! right?" Majima quipped, appearing puzzled by Nishida's concerns.

"I can't guarantee that," Izuku interjected solemnly, making Majima seize the pliers from Nishida.

"Give it here I'll handle it myself," Majima declared, narrowing his eyes at the wires before him.

"Hmmm," Majima mused, stroking his chin in deep contemplation.

"Aw, fuck this! Eenie-meenie-miney-mo! which-one-isn't-gonna-blow?" Majima chanted playfully, waving his finger between one wire and another before finally settling on the red wire.

"This one," Majima declared, his voice more serious now as he cautiously raised the pliers and snipped the wire, causing the timer to come to a halt.


Abuptly, Izuku awoke, having drifted off to sleep in the cafe's lounge area. He found the hard hat resting on the coffee table before him, releasing a tired but amused chuckle.

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