"Yeah, I remember what I said," Sebastian said with a simple shrug. While I still hung back in hesitation, Sebastian soon took the lead and suddenly pulled me closer. "Here, one hand on my shoulder, and then one hand in mine," he directed as he adjusted my hands to be in the correct place.

Once I was holding him right, Sebastian then slid his remaining hand to rest around my lower waist.

I locked eyes with him, then swallowed. "And then you've got to stand closer," he said as he pushed me right into his chest. Upon his action, his eyes dropped to my lips, heightening the tension I already felt.

Finally, Sebastian stopped staring at my lips and returned his eyes to mine. "So, you count in three one step towards me, then two steps back to where we started. Then one step towards you and two to where we started," he said, directing me as he talked.

I tried to listen and remember but it was hard to pay attention when he was standing so close. "Good," he said with a smile when I quickly seemed to get the hang of it. "See I told you that you were a natural. Now let's try this."

Catching me completely off guard, Sebastian Suddenly let go of my waist so he could spin me around fast before pulling me back sharply into his chest. "Woah," I mumbled in surprise, a breath of laughter escaping me.

Sebastian was smiling away now, and it was infectious, and the two of us started laughing away as we started trying out different lifts and spins. Moves that were clearly far too advanced for me due to the number of times I seemed to almost fall on him. He didn't seem to care though, he just laughed and kept smiling in that way of his that just made you feel good.

Sebastian clearly getting a little carried away with himself, spun me out dramatically before pulling me into his chest and dipping me low with a hand at my waist.

I was pretty out of breath at this point, and as he pulled me sharply back to his chest, the music suddenly drowned out. Sebastian, however, didn't let go, instead, his smile slipped slowly from his face, and he kept me tightly in his hold.

His fingers curled underneath the material of my shirt as he held me to him as though he was trying to make a point. I could feel our chests rising and falling against each other from the exertion and I couldn't for the life of me seem to pull away.

He moved closer, till our foreheads pressed against one another while his hand still caged me in. His eyes then fell to my lips, and once again, he swallowed; a look of urgency burning behind his eyes.

"Please don't be mad at me," he mumbled as he made the last move forward. At the very last second, I ripped away from him.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled as I backed away. Reluctantly pulling his arms free from around me, I took two guilty steps further away from him.

Sebastian shoved two hands into his pockets as he looked down to the ground and once again a pained silence spilled out between us. I racked my brain for the right thing to say but I couldn't come up with anything without also having to tell him about Ava. And I couldn't tell him, because I promised her I wouldn't.

"You know what, I'm done lying," Sebastian suddenly said. Then rather sharply his eyes sprung back up to look at mine. There was such a multitude of emotions burning through his eyes in that very second that it stunned me to silence.

"I lied to you in the treehouse," he suddenly said. "You asked me if I still liked you and I lied," he clarified with a thick swallow.

"I've always liked you, Phoebe. Even when I was supposed to hate you, I still liked you. That's why I tricked you into coming to this," he muttered with a laugh as he nodded his head to the car.

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