Chapter 44-Surgery

Start from the beginning

"I change my mind! I don't want to go through with this!" Touya exclaimed, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. However, Izuku wore a devilish smirk.

"It's too late to back out now, Touya," Izuku said as he picked up a scalpel. Touya, even if he wanted to, couldn't scream, as the medicine rendered him powerless.

1 Hour later-
After an hour of surgery, Izuku had successfully removed the epidermis, exposing the hypodermis for the skin graft.

"Sheesh, how bad did you burn yourself? The dermis is burnt, and the hypodermis is barely alive. Im Surprised it can still transfer blood to the rest of the body," Izuku remarked as Touya looked puzzled.

"Why am I still awake? Shouldn't I be asleep?" Touya inquired, and Izuku shook his head.

"That's my special mix working. You won't feel anything, but you'll be awake to see the whole procedure," Izuku explained. He bent down to retrieve a bottle of glowing gold fluid.

Injecting it into the bottom layer of Touya's skin, Izuku then soaked a cotton ball with the golden solution and began to apply it to the rest of his body. Within a few minutes, the purple and dead bottom layer of Touya's skin miraculously started to regain vitality, turning red. Touya's eyes widened in astonishment.

"It's alive?" he asked, and Izuku nodded.

"Golden orb Special mix." Izuku replied.

"Fenrir get me the package." Izuku asked as the demon came out of izuku as returned with a bag containing glowing green fluid, which caught Touya's attention as it contained folds of skin.

"What is that, skin?" Touya asked as Izuku nodded.

"Yes, I asked a few scientist friends in America to grow and send me some flame-resistant skin. Newest breakthrough in stem cell growth technology." Izuku explained. He gestured to Fenrir, who was holding it, and then opened the bag.

"How is that possible? You can grow flame-resistant skin?" Touya asked, clearly amazed.

"It's still in the early stages of development, but it's a significant advancement in biomedical science. Keep in mind, this is a prototype and you're a guinea pig," Izuku explained as he took out his stitching needle and scissors.

"How did you even get this? This seems like a top-secret project," Touya inquired.

"It is, but when you know as many people as I do, you can get things for free. Plus, they owed me a favor or two." Izuku replied with a smile as he started to carefully stitch the flame-resistant skin onto Touya.

"You still have to explain what you were doing in Redgrave City," Touya insisted. Izuku sighed, nodding in agreement.

As he carefully grafted the flame-resistant skin, he began to recount the events in Redgrave. He described how he had gone blind, what the Qliphoth tree was, all the demons he had fought, and the numerous challenges he had faced.

However, he omitted the detail about being the grandson of Sparda. Touya was astonished by the revelation that Toshinori wasn't Izuku's biological father, but it did seem to make sense.

"What about your quirk?" Touya inquired, genuinely curious.

Izuku chuckled slightly. "I don't have one. Everything you see here is pure unadulterated badass," he said with a smirk.

"Is that even possible?" Touya asked, still trying to wrap his head around it.

"I'm right here, aren't I?" Izuku replied confidently. He then added, "It's just my heritage. I'm part demon, after all."

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