Part 59: Rose

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Our Alphas and Karina tried to make us sit, but we all stood around the coffee table, ready to run up to Reagan whenever we needed to.

          After we left, Karina told Avah or Lennox to get Celia a bucket of water and a washcloth. I figured Celia and Karina were having their own conversations about this whole thing.

          They know what is happening and won't tell us.

          "Why aren't you more worried?!" I snarled at them.

          Lennox and Avah were sitting on the couch while Karina guarded the stairs. She knew we would try and run up there, and while there were more of us than her, she could easily take us down without even really trying.

          When we reached our teen years, we wanted to spar with our Alphas and Elders, and they entertained the idea, but only that day. Karina and Celia brought us down before we could even think of a good strategic move.

          Avah and Lennox were no better. While Celia and Karina saw it as a teaching lesson. They just saw it as a day to beat us up. They like to bring it up from time to time. However, I'm glad they haven't since Reagan was around.

          Karina groaned. "Because it's not that big of a deal." she ran her fingers over her temples and sat down on the stairs. "Reagan is fine. Okay. This is just something humans do, specifically female humans."

          We all stared at her in horror. "For what reason would humans need to do that?!" Iris asked, panting.

          "It's called a period. It's when the blood and tissue lining of a human's uterus sheds. They bled for about a week every month until they hit around forty, sometimes a little younger, sometimes older." Avah explained.

          I shook my head in shock. "What is the reason for it?" I asked angrily.

          I need to know. I wanted to know what the hell that was that scared me to the point I thought she was going to die.

          "How can she bleed for a week every month and not die?" Ivy asked, confused.

          "Why don't we do that?" Hazel asked after.

          We are all concerned about this new thing.

          "If a human gets her period, it just means she didn't get pregnant. I'm sure she hasn't had one since we've been here because she's been stressed. It should have most definitely happened after the tonic worked. She must have been really, really distressed about all of this." Lennox answered my question.

          "It's not the kind of blood that comes from a wound, so she won't die from it. While it looks like a lot of blood, it actually isn't. In reality, it's about four tablespoons, maybe more, maybe less." Karina said, massaging her temples.

          Either we're stressing her out, or Celia is still talking to her about what's happening up there. Celia and Reagan aren't talking. Which is just as scary as anything I would hear them say.

          How do they know this and not us? Why was this not in the education lessons we had growing up?

          "We don't menstruate. Our bodies don't react like human bodies do. Case in point, most of us grow dicks." Lennox said with a chuckle. She really can just make herself laugh. Avah seems to be amused with her every time, too.

          "Yes, but Avah and Celia can get pregnant. They cannot do what we can, so how come they don't bleed?" Iris asked, confused.

          How did we go from thinking our mate was dying to a biology lesson?

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