Part 24: Rose

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I sat on the other side of the table, glaring at Reagan. Before Iris left their little one-on-one, she informed me that Reagan still feels like a burden, like she's a hassle to have around, which is just ridiculous!

          Her doubts about herself are troubling. While she is human and weaker than us, that doesn't mean we see her any differently. The situation with Ivy's brother I thought would have proven that.

          We were more than willing to put our lives on the line for her. It wouldn't have been ideal, but we would have done it. I hate that her reason for not wanting to get close to us is because she feels like a burden. It feels like there's more to the story.

          "You are really temperamental, do you know that?" Reagan smiled at me.

           I couldn't help but frown. "How do you mean?"

          She sighed and leaned back, calm and relaxed. "Throughout these little talks I've had with you all, I can feel your emotions through our conversations. Now, I haven't gotten to Ivy yet, so she could be different, but I doubt it. You... you're angry with me. Hazel and Iris were irritated, but you... you're furious with me. Why?"

          "You know why. You know that our feelings for you are progressing, yet you keep trying to fight yours from progressing for us." I say honestly.

          She rolled her eyes. "How can I have feelings for you all? I've only known you for a few weeks. Yes, I've seen you naked, and I've seen two of you come, but we haven't been intimate in any other ways. Why should I allow myself to believe I'm falling for you all?"

          She's so fucking... ahhhh!

          Why does she have this effect on us? Why is it that even while I'm fucking furious with her, I still just want to love and comfort her? This is ridiculous!

          "You want to love us. I know you do. You may keep telling yourself that we are strangers, yet you wouldn't let a stranger hold you in a bed while you sleep naked. You wouldn't bathe with strangers. You wouldn't sit and watch while those strangers got each other off. And you for damn sure wouldn't make bets on if those strangers can hold off on fucking you!" I said aggressively.

          She scoffed and looked off to the side. "Whatever."

          I laugh. "Your dismissal tells me I'm right. We are a week away from our rut, yet you, for some reason, trust us enough to hold out on touching you. You are playing a very dangerous game, Little Fawn. When our rut comes, we will be absolutely feral for you. When we finish this bet, and you get a little taste of what will come during our rut, I'm sure your true feelings will come up. Sex for my kind is very... mind opening." I smirked at her.

          She glared back at me. Such a challenging stare. I love it!

          "This is supposed to be about me getting to know you all. Not what is to come in our bedroom."

          My smirk turned into a full-blown grin. "Our bedroom? See, Little Fawn, little things like that show me you want us. You want this life. A life of us loving you, protecting you, fucking you. You being human means nothing to us. You are you. You are Reagan. The woman we fell in love with in the woods when she called us perverts."

           "You are all perverts." She groaned.

           "Well, so are you," I said, laughing. If looks could kill, I'm sure I would be dead right now. Her pretty blue eyes were absolutely deadly right now. "You like to see us walk around naked. Hell, I'm naked right now, and your gaze falls to my breast every few seconds."

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