Part 52: Hazel

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I leaned against the cool rock while our Elders and Alphas gave Reagan the history of our land and our kind. It was early as fuck, but our Elders and Alphas didn't care. Nor did they care about how taxing yesterday really was.

          I don't think I've ever slept so hard in my life. After Reagan's demonstration of Breathplay, we all kind of crashed, and I was thankful for it. I was surprised I didn't pass out in the bathhouse.

          I smiled to myself. I'm glad I didn't, or otherwise, I would have missed out on how thrilling it was to touch Reagan so... rough.

          Hearing her whimper when I wrapped my fingers around her neck had my entire body buzzing. I'm irritated that we were all too worn out actually to act on her arousal. Or any of ours. Iris was damn near dripping toward the end of the night.

          She spent almost the entire night shifting around, grinding her hips in the air. I felt bad for her, but when I offered to help ease her tension, she said no, only because she knew how tired I was.

          "Are your lands split between packs?" Reagan's voice pulled me from my reminiscing.

          My mates smiled at her. She was interested in our history and laws, so much so that she asked questions to further her knowledge of us. I love that she wants to know more about us. It shows that she cares.

          "No," Lennox answered. "Only select packs get their own shred of land. And to determine which packs are the strongest. If you are a strong pack, it's confirmed you can protect your own land as well as your own. Those who aren't that strong share land." Lennox continued to explain.

          Reagan hummed and walked around a tree. We were a few miles away from the cabin. Karina and Celia were finally done with their rut, so they thought everyone should attend this lesson far from the cabin.

          There was fear of the Dolin pack being near, but our elders said we shouldn't worry. None of them would risk showing up with the entire pack out and about.

          "How do you determine which packs are the strongest?" Reagan asked, leaning against the tree.

         Karina and Celia gave Lennox a tense look. "Lennox helped further our claim to the land we are standing on. When she slaughtered Iris's pack."

          Our Elders didn't seem upset. It's just what Lennox did crossed a lot of lines. And broke our laws. How she managed to get away with her life is lost to me. She won't ever talk about it. Avah knows, as well as our Elders, but they won't tell us. I don't know why.

          "There is a fight between packs. We shift and then... almost fight to the death. You have to prove you'll show no mercy." Celia explained.

          "Which one of you fought?" Reagan asked curiously.

          "I did," Celia said, sighing. "It was the second hardest thing I've ever done in my life."

          Reagan frowned. "What was the first?"

         Celia smiled. "A story for another time."

          Reagan just groaned, making me and my mates laugh. "You and your secrets. There will be a day I get the full truth out of you." Reagan complained before walking over to us. She slid into Rose's arms, grabbing them and wrapping them around her waist.

          We were all naked, except for Reagan.

          "I do not doubt that," Karina said to Reagan while nuzzling Celia's neck with her nose.

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