Part 15: Ivy

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That whole little show at breakfast is really irking my nerves. Reagan knew what she was doing touching Rose like that. I'm not jealous that Reagan chose Rose to mess with or that Rose enjoyed it. I'm just upset Reagan didn't touch us all. She just sent us seductive smiles while we were eating.

          It's hard to eat when my Elders and Alphas are across the kitchen watching me clench my legs together, trying to keep myself under control.

          After breakfast, we made our way to the living room to digest our food. Celia and Lennox went on a run. We told them we would be joining them soon.

          Hazel, Iris, Rose, and I were sitting on the large couch, staring at Reagn, who was on the loveseat opposite to us. She wasn't smiling like she was at the dining table. Nor did she look sad like she did when we first arrived.

          We were still naked, and her eyes kept looking at our bodies, but her expression never changed. I wish we could read each other's minds; alas, all we can do is feel our feelings, and I have no idea what she's feeling.

          "Did you enjoy breakfast?" Iris broke the silence.

            From the way she chowed down on it, I would assume yes, but that could also be because she was just hungry.

          "I did. I've never had deer before, so... that was a change for me. Nothing I don't think I can't get used to." She said, looking up at the tall ceiling. The chandelier is dangling, its lights are not cut on because we have the curtains back, and the outside light is illuminating through the house.

          "This place is huge. How have you not had any curious humans come by here?" she looked at us frowning.

          "We have. We just... ensure they don't come back." Hazel said quietly

          Reagan's frown deepened. "Oh, yeah? How so?"

          I swallowed. If we tell her the whole truth, she might get scared of us, but if we lie, she would be able to tell through the bond.

          "Anyway, that keeps us safe," I said vaguely.

          "And what ways would that be?" she urged.

          We all shifted uncomfortably. "If things get out of hand... we kill them. If we can help it, the witches gave Karina and Celia this tonic that wipes their memory. The only issue with that is it wipes all their memories. They go back home a different person, not knowing who they are or what anything is." Rose explained.

          Reagan's eyes widen. Shit, we may have said too much.

          "Witches?" she looked intrigued.

          We all huffed in irritation.

          "Yeah, witches. They have a tonic that can just erase the human's memories, but witches are greedy and want more than what it was worth. Witches are con artists, and we like to steer clear of them. However, they tend to do that themselves, but staying in the city, scamming humans." I explained, hoping that didn't set her off and send her running.

          We live in a world of magic. She's lived in a world of magic all her life, whether she believes that or not. It's a lot to take in, I imagine, but she seems to be taking a lot of this really well. I feel like she's going to hit her breaking point with our information and snap.

          She crossed her legs under her. "Hm, so witches and werewolves. Right under my nose, my entire life. That's... bizarre."

          "And sirens and fairies," Iris said aloud.

          Reagan raised a brow. "Well, I can see why I never come in contact with a siren. It's been forever since I've been by a large body of water. Where do fairies live?"

          I cringed. "It's hard to explain. They don't really exist in this world unless you need them. They like to keep away from people. No matter what kind of person you are." I groaned. "If you want to see them or need them, you wait until a rainy day and basically find any way you can to embarrass yourself so they can come and laugh at you. They're better than witches but not by much."

          Reagan hummed.

          I stood up from the couch and walked toward the door. "I think it's time we go for our run now. And maybe help Rose and Hazle scope out some prey for future eatings."

          My lovers stood and walked over toward me. We looked at Reagan. "We'll be back in maybe an hour or hour and a half. Just depends on some stuff." Rose reassured Reagan.

          She looked at us, her head tilted. Her gaze fell over all of our bodies. What is going on inside her head? She smiled at us, not sweet or charming. Predatory. She looked like a beast hoping to catch its prey. I took a deep breath. We were the prey in question.

          Her tongue darted out, wetting her lips. "I can feel certain emotions you all have through the bond." Her smile grew tenfold. Where is she going with this?

          "Yeah," Hazel answered for us all.

          She placed her hands in her lap, forcing them between her legs. She just held them there. What is she doing? What game is she playing right now? Is this her way of making us break first?

          "So, you can feel my emotions?" I feel like these questions will lead to something that will make us a panting mess on our run.

          Iris was already almost there. I looked over at her, and her jaw was clenching. "Yes, we can feel your emotions... among other things." Oh, right, the day we all got unbelievers aroused out of nowhere, that was Reagan's doing.

          She stood up, walked around the couch, and leaned back against it, smirking at us. She folded her arms over her chest. "So, you can feel what I do through the bond?"

          I see where she's going with this. I took a deep breath. It did nothing to help. I just scented more of her. Her faded-out perfume and shampoo."Yes." I gritted out.

          She bit her bottom lip. What would it feel like to pull it between my teeth? "So, when I mas-" Oh, she's bold.

          "Yes, and it turns us into feral beast." Rose interrupted her, not being able to bear hearing her say it.

          Reagan giggled. Her pretty white teeth were on full display. "Well, you were already that," she said and leaned back, bouncing back on the couch. "Have fun on your run, ladies!" she waved us out the door.

         We all rushed out, slamming the door shut, not being able to control our own strength. We all stood there looking at one another, trying to figure out what just happened.

          My ears perked up when I heard footsteps getting closer to the door. It opened, and Reagan walked out with a big smile on her face. "I almost forgot." she chuckled. She walked over to each of us, grabbed our faces, pulled them down to her height, and kissed our cheeks.

           My eyes almost bulged out of my head when she walked back to the door. "I wouldn't be a good mate if I didn't kiss you all goodbye." She slammed the door in our faces, leaving us a stunned mess.

          "She will be the death of us," Iris said, getting a running start and then shifting.

          "Yes, she will," I said, following after her. 

A/N: OOOOOO!! What's gonna happen in the next chapter!?! ;)

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