Larry, I shrunk my boyfriend

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"(Y/N) DON'T TOUCH-" Brandon began to tell you, just before you shot a laser at him. Suddenly, you started crying, thinking you had disintegrated him. "(Y/n)! I'm just shrunk down!" You stopped crying and gasped, seeing the most adorable thing ever. You picked him up, him being small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. "You need to fix this or Larry will find out we were touching his machinery!"

"YOU. ARE. SO. CUTE." You ignored what he had just said, making him roll his eyes. You poked him and he fell over. He gave you a deadpan, making you smile because it was cute looking. "Okay as much as I love cute small little Brandon, we do need to make you big again."

"Thank you!" Brandon sarcastically remarked.


"Maybe we shouldn't be here (Y/n).." Gage started to tell you before you bumped into some machine and-PAZAPOOO-Gage was gone. You began panicking before you seen him, small and so adorable. You picked him up and he was in shock too. "Why am I small? WHY AM I SMALL?!"

"Maybe the machine did it. BUT YOU'RE SO ADORABLE THIS TINY!" You squeaked out, poking him and making him giggle a little. Adorable. He seemingly blushed as he got back to his feet. "We gotta make you big again though." You began thinking.

"Yes, please do." Gage immediately agreed.


"Oo look at this button-" Before you could stop him, Rhett was gone in a zap. You were shocked to see a tinier Rhett on the floor, surprisingly, not panicked. "Why are you.. bigger?" It was at that moment he realized. "AGHHH I SHRUNK!" You smiled and picked him up, petting his head. "That actually feels really nice.."

"Look at you, so tiny.." You said, Rhett cuddling against your finger in a cute way. You wanted to scream so loud. It was like having a little puppy. "Now, how do I make you normal-sized again."

"Oh hopefully I'm not stuck this size forever.." Rhett let out, worriedly for once.


"I would be stupid to press this.." Long story short, he was stupid and pressed it. You turned around to see Wyatt gone. You immediately freaked out before you heard a tiny voice calling you. "Hey! DOWN HERE!" You were so flabbergasted to see him so.. small and cute.

"OH MY GOSH!" You knelt down and picked him up, giving him a little tickle. "Aw my little cutie.." Wyatt blushed a little and frowned, crossing his arms. You let out a laugh. "Alright, let's find out how to make you big again."

"Alright," There was a pause. "And I ain't cute!"

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