How He Acts With Kids

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All of them have a soft spot for children, babies, etc.

Your Team member had to take care of their little cousins, and when you go to see him, he has them both with him. You're great with children, but is he?


"Oh yeah, I uh, had to take care of them for today. They belong to my aunt Bea." Gage told you, the reason being you had asked. You nodded after he explained to you. "Yeah, this is Linda." He patted the head of a six-year-old girl, black hair and blue eyes. 

"I said call me Lynn!" She groaned to Gage, making him roll his eyes playfully. You couldn't help but smile at this. 

"Okay, Lynn." He mocked, making the girl cross her arms. He then turned his head towards the baby he was holding. she almost looked just like him, but as a girl, and smaller. "And this is Isabella." seeing the baby's cute face, you just had to hold her. Gage didn't mind when you took her out of nowhere. 

"Can I call you Izzy? Huh?" You began to say in a distorted voice. You squinted your eyes while looking at the baby, making her laugh, and Gage smile. "Can I?" The baby squirmed a little, and began to squeak out answers. You both swore she said 'no' in baby talk, but, who knows for sure. You and Gage shared a glance before he took her back. 

"Yeah, I call her Izzy too." Gage told you before gazing around, slowly turning worried. "Linda? Linda!?" You looked around too before you saw Gage put on a deadpan expression. "Lynn?" Was all he said before the girl popped out of a room. He rolled his eyes and you giggled. This was sure gonna be one fun day. 


"These little guys? Yeah, I gotta watch 'em for my auntie Opal." Wyatt said, picking one child up. The little girl looked about one. There was also another one, and she looked about three. You smiled at both of them, the four-year-old gazing up and smiling back. "This ones name's Sabrina." Wyatt told you, staring at Sabrina with love filled eyes. You couldn't help but grin. 

"Hi, I'm (Y/n)." You greeted the girl, making her wave shyly and mutter out a 'heyo'. You giggled a little at her choice of words. Wyatt and you both turned to the three year old. 

"And this is-" Wyatt could even introduce the child before she began to wave, taking your hand and pulling you down to her level. 

"I'm Tahlia! You are very pretty." Tahlia yelled out to you, making you smile widely. You could've sworn you saw Wyatt nod in agreement, but you ignored it. You stood up, smiling down at her, then turning your attention towards Wyatt and Sabrina. Wyatt put the girl down before she ran to you, grinning. You could even see her little gap showing. 

"Yeah!" Sabrina called out, picking up a block she found on the floor. "LOOK!" She cried out to you before you gazed at it with false but believable curiosity. You nodded, smiling before she turned to Wyatt. "LOOK!" 

"Yup!" Wyatt said to her, grinning. "And there's more where that came from! Come on!" As Sabrina waddled after Wyatt, you smiled at Tahlia. "Ya comin'?" You heard Wyatt shout from the room, making you laugh. Tahlia ran quickly after the two before you followed. It was gonna be an awesome day.


"Oh, I have to take care of them for the day." Brandon said, frowning down lightly at two little boys. "This is Keith and Abe." You smiled at the two, one of them with a finger in his nose. Brandon immediately noticed. "HEY! HEY!" He shouted out, gently smacking the child's hand away. The boy began to tear up and you glared at Brandon. 

"Babe!" You cried out to him, bending down to the child. Brandon stammered a bit, lifting his hands in defeat. "Hey, it's okay, just don't pick your nose okay..." You trailed off, looking at Brandon. He rolled his eyes , crossing his arms and frowning at you. "Listen, it hurts you okay, don't pick your nose." 

"Yeah, now, I have to babysit these children not you so..." He paused looking around, then taking the twins hands. "Let's go-" You put your hands on your hips, making him catch himself. "What?" You gave him a deadpan look. 

"Seriously? 'What' is all you're gonna ask?" You rolled your eyes before you joined, grabbing Abe's tiny hand and pulling him along. This was gonna be a long day. Hopefully it was a good one though. 


"Yeah, these ones are mine for the day. They go home around 5." Rhett told you, holding a child's hand and holding another on his hip. "This is Marlee and David. David is one and-" 

"I can say it myself!" Marlee cried out to Rhett while smiling, then turning to you, a now grin plastered on her face. "I'm six. And I like your hair." You glanced at your (thin/thick) (h/c) hair. You smiled, nodding as a thank you. 

"I like yours too." She grinned in return, both of you turning to Rhett. "What are the plans today?" 

"Well," Rhett began, tapping his chin lightly. "We can go to the park, go eat pizza, go to the mall, go eat McDonalds, then go swimming in my new pool?" Rhett suggested, making you give a questionable look about eating so much. You saw Marlee smile widely, nodding quickly too. You heaved a defeated sigh before nodding along. Today was no doubt gonna be great!

(Catch up on this,

You had a wonderful day with your member. The older child in your cousins group drew you, and you guys ended up eating pizza! Overall, it was great!)

Brandon: He turned out to be the overprotective type. He made sure they held hands while crossing the street, didn't hang upside down the wrong way, etc.

Gage: He's the fun one, let's them do a lot of stuff. That is, if it isn't bad or dangerous or gonna get them killed. 

Wyatt: He's a little more cautious than you think. Sure, he let's them do stuff, but mainly he's right there saying stuff, holding onto them, especially the younger one.

Rhett: He's a great babysitter! He made sure everyone got along, and stayed cautious while also letting them do stuff alone. 

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