When you fluster him

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You were walking around with Gage when you decided to give a little flustering flirt. He seemed distracted in the view, and you were too. Until you came up with a mischievous idea. "Hey, Gage?" You began to ask. He looked at you immediately, a small smile on his face. "How come we never make out?" He blushed at your question. 

"Oh-oh-I don't-we don't-I don't know." He stammered out. You moved in closer, and he blushed darker. When you were a little too close, you began to laugh, pulling yourself back. He rolled his eyes. "That's not funny!" He groaned, earning another laugh from you. 

"I thought it was funny." You told him, slowing down your laughter. "Besides, you're cute when you're flustered." He blushed a little darker now, looking away from you. "And you get this way so easily." You nudged his shoulder playfully, making him rub the spot. 


You were hanging out with Wyatt at the park. Not just your neighborhood park, a beautiful scenic park on the other side of town. Just as he ran ahead, you caught a glimpse of his rear end. You never noticed before. You decided to be a little mischievous and tell him. You smirked as you ran up.  You were both walking when you slapped-making him jump. 

"Gah! What the heck!?" He cried out to you, blushing. You stared at him for a moment, not thinking it'd be that easy to make him blush. You shrugged. 

"I couldn't help it," You began to tell him, seeming nonchalant and ignoring how he was acting a little nervous. "You got a nice butt." You gazed at him slightly, seeing his blush grow darker. He itched the back of his neck, then adjusted his hair, looking away from you, and you giggled. 


You were spending the day with Brandon. He was finally somewhere away from a book. Although, it was a nice quality, you loved his attention. While you were walking, you decided maybe you'd try and fluster him a little. A little. Not too much. "Brandon." You uttered out, making him turn to you. His eyes had just landed on a bookstore. You inwardly shook your head. "You know you're cute, right?" His cheeks turned light pink, but he lacked expression. Except his eyes widening a bit, and his eyebrows extending. 

"No-no, not exactly." You held back your urge to laugh a little as he looked away from you. "Why?" He asked, looking at you finally. You shrugged. 

"I don't know," You said in a nonchalant tone. "Maybe it's your messy hair," You rubbed his head, ruffling his hair in the process. You got a complaint as he fixed it, making you giggle. "Or you smarts..." You trailed off. "You're just cute." You told him. "Very cute." 


You were hanging out with Rhett the whole day. So far you guys had a pizza buffet, went to an arcade, and now you walked in the park to end the day. You decided to try and fluster him. You bet it wouldn't work. He hardly knew a lot of inside jokes, especially ones about relationships. "You know you're hot, Rhett." He stopped. You laughed loudly, turning around to him, and seeing him blush. 

"No." He stated simply, earning a little giggle out of you. "No one has ever called me that." You fought your laughs to speak. 

"Well you are." You turned on one heel as you said, continuing to walk. That was easy. Guess he knows more than you thought. 

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