Growing Up and Maturing

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(You guys are over twenty in the next few chapters. I'll let you know if anything changes)


You guys have been doing things more like a married couple lately, and not just a normal couple. You don't kiss like you used to, but it still can get dreamy. You are a tag team pretty much as well.


You both have grown over the years, and life has brought you closer. Like married closer. You guys are still the same boyfriend and girlfriend, but things have changed for the better.


You and Brandon have become a closer and more sweet couple. You have both always acted married, but not like this. 


Life has been so much fun with him, but recently, things feel different. You feel a connection you can't explain, and it's great.

Team Hot Wheels 2015 Boyfriend ScenariosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora