Sleeping Positions

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The Zen Style or The Pursuit.

Gage just has his times when he wants cuddles. But when he's sleeping, he is sleeping. There's no time for cuddling here. He has to get up early to start his day faster than usual. 


Shingles or The Sweethearts Cradle

Wyatt actually has a soft-spot for cuddling and hugging, especially from you. He may put on the 'tough guy' show, but at the end of the day, he's glad he has someone to sleep with. 


The Spoon or The Loosely Tethered.

Brandon can either be cuddly or not. That depends on the mood he's in when he is going to sleep. Did he just get back from a tiring day or does he want to sleep because he needs cuddles?


The Crab or The Leg Hug even sometimes the Honeymoon Hug.

Rhett is actually unaware he takes up a lot of room. But what he knows is when he first goes to sleep, he is in a normal comfy position. When he wakes up, he's somewhere else.


Gage hugs you normally or he hugs you in a cuddly manner. 

Wyatt either side hugs, holding onto your hip, or bear hugs.

Brandon is the guy to hug you from behind. 

And Rhett is the one who COMPLETELY tight bear-hugs you. 

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