How They Kiss You

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He enjoys kissing you anywhere, but, he'll make sure it's sweet and tender; he doesn't want to hurt you. If he feels romantic enough, he'll scoop you up into a kiss for really no reason except that he feels like it. You don't really care when he does it, but, immediately kiss back. You sometimes interrupt his speed-rushes with kisses as well, making him a bit flustered. 


He likes kissing your lips, and, will be all ooey gooey about it. Sometimes, he'll kiss your neck, but that's only when he feels like it. Making out is always an option for him, (If you know what I mean). Sometimes, he'll even just be annoying so he can interrupt you with a kiss whenever you start yelling at him. You enjoy melting into his kisses, and, kissing him on the cheek when he's upset. 


He doesn't really kiss you, only on special occasions. And, sometimes when you ask. He prefers kissing your forehead, although he'll kiss your cheek for being sweet at times. Whenever he has done something amazing and is too happy, yes that can happen, he'll run up to you and kiss you for no reason, only to give off a flustered blush afterwards. You enjoy planting kisses on his lips here and there, but he'll tell you to stop, making you giggle. 


He usually kisses you on your cheek, and that's pretty often. He decides to kiss you whenever you say goodbye, but doesn't forcefully kiss you ever. It's usually you who starts the kiss. He gets shocked and then tensed, but then rests his eyes. He loves your kisses but will never take advantage of them. Sweet Rhett, am I right? 

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