Your First Kiss

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Everything in the world seemed to be going wrong for you. Everything. Except Gage. He was your good friend. You both got along well, and soon, you realized you might have thought more of him than simple friendship. You decided to take your thoughts to your favorite spot to hang out by yourself. It was an isolated place away from Hot Wheels City. No one knew about it. No one. You sauntered down a hill lightly, hoping not to fall. You kept your balance as you thought about everything going on in your life. Your eyes met a creek as you came to the bottom of the hill. The scene was so beautiful. You walked along the creek, alone, no one to bother you. You were unaware someone else would join you. Your instincts made you jump up once you heard a bush ruffle. You turned towards the noise to hear a small coughing fit from the boy behind the bush. You immediately knew who he was. "Gage?" 

"(Y/n)..." He stared nervously, waving and blushing. "Didn't expect to see you here..." You smiled softly at the boy, gesturing for him to come and sit beside you at the edge of the mountain. The two of you looked beyond the creek. The stars simmered on the clear waters. The sky seemed cloudless, forming a perfect constellation. You didn't know Gage was looking at you. His eyes had small hearts in them. His half opened eyes could only explain what he was thinking. 'She is so beautiful...look at her smile...her eyes shining...' You couldn't help but notice him staring. You gazed at him, your eyes curious and your mouth a puzzled frown. How you managed to be beautiful even when you were confused made him flustered. He blushed and looked away. You then scooted closer to him. You knew what you were doing. You continued to look at the stars, ignoring him looking at you in the corner of your eye. You could even tell how handsome he was from the corner of your eye. You both stayed seated for a moment, the sky just became more beautiful. Gage had lost interest in the sky, instead, found himself staring at you. He didn't know you knew he was staring. 

"So sad we have to leave something so beautiful." You said this on purpose. He seemed to fall for your joke, sighing sadly. You were talking about yourself, but he thought you were talking about the stars. He thought you meant you had to leave. He stood up, looking sad. You noticed and couldn't help but feel sympathetic for him. You loved him, and you knew he had a crush on you. You got up and realized you were centimeters away from him. This made him blush, but you took it as an opportunity. You leaned closer and kissed him lightly. You pulled back, seeing his wide eyes and red face. He. was. flustered. You walked away slowly without another word, leaving him there with his thoughts. You giggled to yourself. It was only some time until he---

"(Y/n)! Wait!" Yup. Until he called your name. You stopped and turned around, feeling your hair flip behind you. He was still blushing as he ran over to you, stuttering out your name once again. You had a mischievous sparkle in your eyes as you gazed at him. "What was...why'd you do that?" Your smile grew. You had a specific answer for him. 

"Because I love you, Gage Green." You began to state, walking closer to him, swaying your hips. His blush stayed and his eyes grew wide. You inwardly laughed at his expression as you went on. "You're kind, sweet, chill, and very fast paced." You were now only inches away once again. He leaned closer. "And awesome, amazing, handsome..." You slowed your words as you came closer to him. The both of you closed your eyes, and then, the space between you. Gage's thoughts were blocked out as he felt every bit of you. You rapped your arms around his shoulders, him putting his hands on your hips. You took in the moment. You both pulled away, staring sweetly into each other's eyes. "I love you." 

"I love you too." Gage returned, blushing still. It was hard to tell since he was so chill in this moment. You hugged him tightly. He hugged you back immediately. His heart could jump from one end of Hot Wheels City to the other. You thought the same? It had been about four months since he found out his feelings. That was a long time to hold this all in. But this kiss, this hug, seemed to show what he thought. But truly, he could only explain so much. "I love you so much (Y/n)."


You decided to go to the fair with the boys. As in Wyatt, Gage, Rhett and Brandon. All of you had been racing around the park, riding on rides, yelling your lungs out, winning and losing games, and buying food as well. It was only half an hour when all of you guys found yourselves at the haunted house. It was a roller coaster as well. A really scary one. Right up Wyatt's alley. And if it was 'Wyatt Style' then you loved it. Catch up, you had a crush on him for a while. Everything about him was amazing to you. His energy attracted you, he was handsome and straight up hot. But most of all, you loved him. You both had known each other for four months. Your relationship grew closer and closer. You loved him so much, and you knew it. You had heard before that liking someone for more than four months isn't crushing; it's love. You and the boys followed Wyatt up into the line for the haunted house. Once you got up beside it, it seemed really huge. Wyatt noticed the fear lurking in your eyes. "Ya scared?" He asked, smirking. He enjoyed looking at your face, especially all of your facial expressions you made. You nodded slowly, but then realized what he asked. You shook your head quickly, making him laugh. "That's okay, (Y/n). You can sit with me." You felt him put his arm around your shoulder. You pushed it off playfully. 

"No! I'm not going with you! You're the most dangerous person I know!" You told him jokingly, earning another handsome laugh from him. Your eyes sparkled as you looked up to him. He was so handsome to you. You both walked up into the haunted house, got into the roller coaster carts and buckled up. A nervous butterfly flew through your stomach. You looked around to see that only Wyatt was in the cart. "Where..." You began to ask, gazing around for the others. "Where's Brandon, Gage and Rhett?" Wyatt just realized as well. He got up from his relaxed position and looked around. Gage, Rhett, and Brandon were still outside of the line. They waved, sending winks in sync. Wyatt blushed for once. You've never seen him embarrassed before. He was always so confident. And you loved that about him. You were unaware you were blushing as well, but you did feel your cheeks heat up. You knew Brandon, Gage and Rhett all shipped you both. The two brushed it off, going through the haunted house roller coaster ride alone. By the time the ride ended, you had hugged Wyatt five times in fear. You even held his hand. 

Afterwards, you saw Brandon and Gage smirking at you both. You could have sworn you saw them share a high five when the roller began to start rolling. The rest of the day, you guys had the best time ever. It seemed the boys, Rhett, Brandon and Gage, allowed you and Wyatt to go on rides alone. The last ride up was the Ferris Wheel. Gage and Brandon insisted you go on it together alone. You both decided to go on it like they said. Now, you were on the Ferris Wheel. This time, you saw Gage and Brandon share a high five. What were they trying to do?! It was beyond you at the moment, but you'd know soon. You and Wyatt talked the whole time you guys were going up. You stared at him with dreamy eyes as he went on about how cool he was, and, you knew he stared at you at points. It made you have butterflies in your stomach. You guys were at the top when you took a leap of faith, resting your head on his shoulder. He tensed up. Now, this was  unnatural for him to do, so you knew he must feel some feelings. It sparked hope in your heart. You heard him hum out your name once. 

"(Y/n)," He began, rubbing his neck. You closed your eyes, listening to his voice that most would've found annoying. You hummed for him to go on. "I l-I lo-you know that I-" He was choking on his words. This was not normal behavior. You sat up, staring at him. Your cheeks were warm from all the feelings you were having at the moment. You looking at him didn't seem to help. He just stared at you. You held your smile, listening to him stutter on. "I really do-I lo-I really-you are so pretty-AH! DANG IT!" He shouted out suddenly. He seemed nervous. He was acting so weird now. Whenever you both first met, he never acted like this before. His face was hidden in his hands and he was blushing massively. You saw an opportunity right here in this moment. He lifted his face, trying to be the confident man he was once again. "(Y/n), I-" Before he could go on, your lips touched his softly. He was shocked with your actions. His thoughts yelled at him as he felt your kiss deepening.

"(Y/n) is kissing you of all people?! You Wyatt! Yourself! This is the craziest thing that's happened to you since Rev! And Gary and The Road Pirates, but still!" 

His eyes closed suddenly. His whole heart took in this moment. When your lips left, he moved around a bit. He kept his lips puckered, searching for yours. You pulled away, blushing, but trying to hide it. You giggled at his reaction. His eyes opened as he heard your laugh, blushing darker now.


Sorry, that's it for now. Brandon and Rhett will come soon I promise! Hope you enjoy these as much as I do! 

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