When your children

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(Like when you're four and he's five years old. Little cute stories between you both as children) And innocent, duh, you're like four!


You were walking around the park by yourself, gazing around at the place that was usually filled with kids. That was when your eyes landed on a young boy who, from what you could tell, was probably about your age. You walked over and looked at him. He seemed sad. Your confident and caring self couldn't help but march up and ask,
"Are you okay?" The young boy seemed set off by this. With a frown, he shook his head. You huffed a little, looking around and wondering what to do. When your eyes fell on your lunch box, you had an idea. "Here." You told him, holding up a chocolate bar your Mom gave you two of. "I have two." The boy once again seemed shocked, but accepted. He thanked you and ate. "I'm (Y/n), what's your name?" You greeted, sitting down and holding out your hand. 

"Gage." He told you, accepting the handshake with his free hand. You smiled at him enjoying the candy and brought out your own. 

"Why are you not okay?" You asked after you bit off a piece of candy. He looked up and wiped a tear from his eye. 

"I got bit by a..." He trailed off, looking a bit scared, making you tilt your head. "Hamster." He looked away after stating quickly, as if you would laugh. You didn't. You frowned. 

"Where did it bite you?" You asked, turning your body towards him. He held out his hand and showed you the small teeth marks and you winced, grabbing it and pulling him in. You checked the mark out. It didn't seem too bad. Of course, you didn't know. You weren't Gage. You remembered a little thing your Mom would do for your boo boos. You brought his hand closer and gave it a small kiss. As he felt the pressure, he blushed a little. Of course, he was exactly unaware why, he only ever had his mother do that. "There, that should make it better." He smiled, still holding up his chocolate bar from falling. 

"Thank you, (Y/n)." He told you, earning your hug. 

"Your welcome, Gage." 


You were playing around in your neighborhood, making a ramp for your monster truck. You usually get picked on for your love of stuff like trucks and stunts. But you continued to play, even if the barks hurt. You were driving your truck around when it bumped into another one. When you gazed up, a young boy about your age met eyes with you. You smiled at him, tilting your head and blinking. When you noticed the truck, you smiled wider. 
"I like your truck!" You yelled out, moving positions to get a look at it. He seemed shocked, but handed it to you. You inspected it. By the way the truck was shaped, you could tell what kind of truck you knew it to be. "I love Baja trucks." You said dreamily almost. He nodded quickly, about to agree but paused. He never met another person who knew what it was called. 

"You know it's a Baja?" He asked, his voice Southern. You held your smile and nodded. "I never knew someone who could say what it was called." He held an adorable smile as he said, looking into your eyes. His eyes landed on your truck. "Hey I like yours too!" 

"Thank you! Mines a Chevy!" You said, holding up the teal and rusted beauty. Your eyes brightened at an idea. "I made my truck a ramp over there! You wanna try yours on it?!" You suggested, grabbing his hand.
"Come on!" You helped him stand up and pulled him over, him being a little shocked with your actions. As you ran across the field to the spot you were originally playing at, you laughed a little. He held onto his hat for the moment before you both reached the spot. You were seemingly unaffected, sitting down and beginning to show him the pieces and what you used. He seemed a bit shy at first, but, now he came to sit down and play along. You both made truck noises the whole time. You had the best time with this boy and you didn't even know his name yet. You didn't bother to ask, you just continued to play. The trucks collided and that was the end of it. You both broke off laughing for no reason. You dropped the truck toy at your side and sat up. Just as you were about to continue, you heard your Mom calling for you. "Oh gees." You said sadly. "I gotta go now." You told him. He held out his hand to say goodbye, but instead, you leaped and hugged him. He tensed up. No girl ever hugged him before. He hugged back. After the embrace ended, you decided to get his name. "I'm (Y/n), what is your name?" 

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