First Morning Married

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He's an early riser, it was usual that when you came from your room that you saw him making pancakes for you. You didn't feel too well that morning, coming closer and leaning on his shoulder. He knew what this meant and scooped a pancake into your mouth, making you moan in delight with the texture and flavor. He always made great pancakes. 


You decided you'd make breakfast. Sunny side-up eggs should do. Wyatt startled you when he hugged you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder. When you told him good morning, he gave you a small kiss on the neck before he returned your good morning, letting you go and grabbing some bacon. You can't have eggs without bacon. 


When you came down, you were a little surprised to see breakfast already made. He had a book in his hand when he walked around the corner. When he saw you, he placed the book down gently and joined you to eat. When you asked him about the meal, he nodded, letting you know he made it. You then ate as a married couple for the first time.


Surprisingly, Rhett can cook very well. You had just found this out this morning when you came down to Rhett making you waffles. When he saw you, he ran up and gave you a huge, but surprisingly once again, not tight hug. Who was this Rhett? He was still the same, just more husband-like. I guess he really was growing up. 

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