*pat pat*

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You were just doing dishes at home in your crop-top and sporty shorts when Gage came around the corner, giving your butt a little smack. Your eyes widened and you turned to him, making him laugh at your reaction. You rolled your eyes in a playful manner before continuing dishes.


You had on some comfy sweats and a tank-top, and you were doing up dishes. Brandon couldn't miss an opportunity, and these sweats framed your butt very well. He gave you a little pat, and escaped the scene before you could smack him playfully.


You were in the kitchen doing up dishes, you had on tight jeans, and Rhett thought it was innocent that he wanted to touch your butt. He walked behind he and basically poked, earning your flustered gasp. He explained his thoughts and you laughed, admiring how cute it was that he was like an innocent child. 


You were doing dishes in a T shirt that barely reached your waste and some sweats. Wyatt had been checking you out for a little bit and finally decided to make a move. He walked behind you and gave a rough but not too hard squeeze, making you jump. He laughed a little, placing a kiss on your neck before you continued with the dishes. 

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