Meeting the family

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(We never see Brandon's parents\family. So I'm making up a canon that his mom is a workaholic, he has mommy issues, and she is single. His dad's story, I have no idea)


Rhett's mom had been wanting to meet you, and you had mutual feelings about meeting Rhett's mom. "Mom," Rhett began to say. "Don't freak out but this is my girlfriend, (Y/n),"

"OH MY GOSH WHAT A GORGEOUS GIRL!" She immediately yelled out, hugging you tightly. "Welcome to the family hon!" You laughed a little, Rhett getting impatiently embarrassed.

"C'mon mom! Calm down!" Rhett scolded slightly.

"You hush now, why don't you go to your room and I'll kidnap your girlfriend for two hours and thirty minutes." You laughed a little, already loving his mom so much.

"M-Mom." Rhett was in utter shock as his mom began pushing him into the house and slamming the door, grabbing your hand and pulling you to her car, you laughing in amusement and waving at Rhett, who was completely dumbfounded of what just happened.


Gage's dad was proud of his son for having a girlfriend before he did, but he never met you, so today was the lucky day. "Dad, this is my girlfriend (Y/n)." Gage lead you into the living room.

"Welcome to the family Miss. (Y/n)!" Gage's dad grinned, looking just like Gage, shaking your hand. "I'm so happy to meet you!"

"I'm so happy to meet you too sir!" You beamed cheerfully.

"How about you take Gage already? I'm tired of him." You were shocked and Gage rolled his eyes at his dads remark. "I'm kidding! I think you'll make an amazing wife for Gage."


Wyatt: (he has some brothers and it's canon so-)

Gammy, and Wyatt's brothers had been waiting to meet you. Especially Gammy since she heard about you the most. Wyatt was actually pretty nervous about this. He was a bit scared his family was gonna scare you away. "Guys, this is my girlfriend, (Y/n)."

"You could've done so much better." Wyatt's older brother, Darren, called out to you immediately, Wyatt facepalming. "I'm Darren." You giggled a little at the brotherly 'love'.

"No really, you chose the worst looking out of all of us." Seemingly the oldest, Michael, spoke up. He seemed to have a lot of brothers. Four to be exact. He was smack-bang in the middle. "I'm Michael, the two younger ones are Ricky and Kevin."

"Oh you're so pretty!" Gammy burst out suddenly, giving you a kiss on the cheek. "I love you so much already deary!" Wyatt gave you a nervous grin.


Brandon's mom had only heard your name a couple times since she hardly talked to Brandon. "Mom, this is my girlfriend (Y/n)." Brandon's mom raised her eyebrow before smiling.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Linda, welcome to the family honey!" Surprisingly she was nice. "Say, what do you see in my son?" She shushed you before you could answer. "Brandon leave!" After he left she allowed you to continue.

"Well he's smart and has a plan for the future. Husband material." You explained promptly, her nodding and taking your hand and shaking it as if you were a business partner. 

"Welcome to the family. I'm glad Brandon has a companion now."

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