Fun Time Headcanons..

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I'm sorry I just had so many ideas for.. you know what 😏


1. Thinks you choose the most inconvenient times, but he always ends up enjoying

2. He controls himself, so it's usually you initiating it

3. He's shy, so your top every time

4. He likes it slow and sweet and is a big complainer

5. You get too happy every time, and he likes seeing you happy, the only reason he continues (he also secretly enjoys it despite his complainitive remarks)


1. Learns something new about a womans body everytime you guys do it

2. Always has questions and is innocent

3. He is on bottom because you have to "teach him a lot" still

4. Calls you cringy but cute nicknames during it

5. Lots of laughs


1. He tries to be fast about it, but you constantly have to slow him down, telling him it's not a competition between him and anyone

2. He's shy at first, but after y'all get into it, he lets his confident side take over and is very bold

3. He likes a light on, he doesn't want to do it in the dark for whatever reason

4. He gets mad every time he messes something up on accident because he wants it to be perfect, for both of you guys

5. He occasionally just starts deep conversations aftewards, whereas you want to sleep because you're tired -__-


1. Calls himself "papa"

2. Anywhere, anytime is fine. It's you who cares, not him

3. He seems to have a high drive for it, you find it funny you can do anything and it turns him on

4. Loves the teasing beforehand, he finds it cute how you get all flustered

5. You always come out of it with one or two hickeys

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