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"What?!" You call out, making him hurry around the corner. "Don't do that! Now I'm gonna have to pose like that again!" You tell him, playfully upset before laughing a little.


"How did you manage to look handsome? You're stealing my spotlight!" You shout out before laughing loudly at yourself. "Don't photo bomb my pictures!" You here him laugh as well, and it just makes you shake your head. 


You laugh a little when you notice Brandon just standing creepily in the background of your photo. "You don't even," You pause to laugh a little more. "Do it right. You're supposed to make a funny face babe!" 


"Rhett!" You cry out before bursting into laughter, then go to a playful sad frown. "That was a good selfie too!" You laugh harder, making him blink. 

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