Peck attack!

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(For everyone who simps for this stunt man)

(For everyone who simps for this stunt man)

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(Anyways, back to your book)-


"Oh no you didn't!" Gage cried out to you before getting closer to you, and beginning to plant kisses all over your face, making you laugh. You begged him to stop, but he went on just a little longer. Punishment wasn't always bad in this place.


"Looks like someone stepped over their boundaries!" Wyatt called out to you before running over, pinning you down and pecking you all over your face. You laughed so hard that you cried happily for him to stop. He didn't. He just went on for a little while. Stepping over your boundaries with him wasn't always a bad thing. 


"Oop, I think someone needs to be punished." Brandon told you in his still serious tone before simply walking over, sitting next to you and staring. After a moment, he leaped onto you and began kissing your face. You asked him to stop, loudly because you were laughing, but he didn't. He continued for three more kisses and then stopped. 


"Uh oh, here comes the tickle monster!" Rhett shouted to you before jumping into action, planting pecks all over your face. You giggled so much, you begged him to stop. He did after a moment, laughing at your reaction. You smirked a little before doing the same to him. 

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