Cute Things You Guys Do Together

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Gage: Singalongs:

You guys don't even care that you both enjoy bursting into song for no reason ~

"Up where they walk!" You began singing out The Little Mermaid song for no reason, and Gage slid in to join you. 

"Out where they run!" He added, crooning. Then you guys sang in sync,

"Up where they stay all day in the sun!" You and Gage stared into each other's eyes, holding hands and leaning in while singing together. "Wondering free, wish I could be," Gage paused so you could sing the last lyric by yourself.

"Part of that," You paused for a beautiful effect. "World." You both then closed the gap between you. "I almost wish there was an applause." You said after you both broke the kiss, laughing a little. Gage shook his head, letting go of your hands. 

"I honestly enjoy this moment alone," Gage smiled, leaning in once again. "With you." He then deeply kissed you once again.

Wyatt: Baking:

He actually likes baking a lot, he grew up doing it ~

"3 eggs..." You muttered under your breath, reading the recipe. That was when Wyatt came out wearing a puffy chef's hat and a 'kiss the cook' apron. You stared for a moment smiling. "Nice." You told him, giving him a thumbs up before turning back to the book. "Do you know how to read recipes?" You asked in irritation after a moment, Wyatt coming up behind you. 

"Oh, we don't need that." He took the book and snapped it shut, putting it down in the cabinets before strolling to the fridge and opening it. "All we need is some," He paused and began getting the stuff. "Eggs, butter, milk, flour, sugar," He stopped and looked at you. "Oh, and a kiss." You lifted an eyebrow at his wide grin. 

"Why..." You began to ask trailing off, walking over to take the ingredients and put them on the counter top. Wyatt shrugged, letting out a slight hum. You put your hand on your hip and walked over, placing a kiss on his lips before returning to your place to open the flour. Wyatt then came up behind you, turning you around.

"I meant like this." He told you before kissing you deeply, you leaning your back on the counter and melting in. 

Brandon: Dancing:

Surprisingly, he loves to dance with you ~

You were just normally reading one of the books that you were suggested to read when Brandon walked in normally. You then heard faint music playing, and Brandon stood up, becoming all fancy or whatever and putting his hand out to yours. "Care to dance?" He asked in an almost emotionless tone. You nodded, smiling widely before you stood up and accepted. 

"Yes, It would be my pleasure." You replied before you guys began to fancily slow dance. You guys danced pretty well, but he danced better. "Where'd you learn to dance?" You asked him, your fancy voice somehow managing to still play. 

"Well," He began to tell you, pausing to twirl you around, then bring you back to him. "I learned from my family. My grandpa really." You smiled at his passion for his family. You guys got deeper into the dance. When the song almost ended, you both gazed at each other's lips, blushing. That was when Brandon began to lean in, and you did too. As your lips met, the songs instrumental dropped and it made the scene feel so much more beautiful than it was. 

"I enjoy dancing with you." You told him after the kiss had ended. He nodded, a small, cute dreamy smile playing on his face. 

"Me too." Brandon said, kissing you once again.

Rhett: Fort Building:

You guys build tents and imagine like your kids again ~

You brought some pillows from the bedroom and placed them around the tent. After you did that, you gazed around. Where was Rhett? When he came out of the kitchen, your questions were answered. He held two bowls of ice cream, Chocolate Mint and Strawberry Cheesecake. You took the one of your choice, and you guys went on to have a slight argument about which is better. After that, you hang out in the fort. "What do we do now?" Rhett asked, a mischievous smirk now playing on your face. 

"How about," You paused and looked around. When you found your favorite (F/C) pillow laying there, you lifted it and glanced at it. Rhett knew what you were gonna do. "PILLOW FIGHT!" 

"YEAH!" Rhett cried out, grabbing his red pillow and shielding himself before hitting you back. You were both always up for pillow fights, and you guys went on to have a great time. "(Y/N)! HOW ARE YOU WINNING?!" He asked loudly, ducking underneath a pillow. 

"BECAUSE I AM AWESOME!" You shouted back, whacking him once more. At the very end, you pounced on top of him, and you both met eyes. You were breathing hardily, and so was he. After a blink, a thought came into your head. You then leaned in quickly, but kissed him softly, catching him by surprise, but making him dreamily close his eyes. He kissed back and enjoyed every bit of it. 

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