He started off looking with that light taunting smile on his face, but the moment he saw me, the smile slid right off his face and his jaw locked together tight.

Leon really started fidgeting nervously now and was rapidly avoiding eye contact with Sebastian.

I internally smiled as Sebastian continued to stare between Leon and me for an unnaturally long period.

Sebastian finally snapped his head back around to face the front and suddenly he was whispering in Stephanie's ear. I felt even more pissed as I saw her smile slightly and nod her head. What the fuck was he saying to her?

In the next second, Stephanie leaned her head onto Sebastian's shoulder in the same way I was doing to Leon. I immediately lifted my head up from Leon's shoulder.

This was the final straw for me, and seeing red, I couldn't stop myself and reached out and roughly kicked the back of Sebastian's chair.

His chair made a loud bang sound causing a few people surrounding us to look our way. Sebastian continued to stare forward, but I could see he was smiling from ear to ear, looking very pleased with himself.

Officially wanting this done with, I leaned forward in my chair and tapped Sebastian's shoulder. "I want to talk, meet me outside," I snapped.

Then without even waiting for him to confirm he was coming I stood up, stepped over Leon's legs, and started marching my way down the aisle toward the exit.

I felt embarrassed and angry. I was never normally the jealous type but there was just something about Sebastian specifically that lit off something crazy in me.

Once I got outside the hall, I started pacing the small section of the corridor in frustration as I waited for Sebastian to come. He better fucking come. If I looked through the window and saw him still with Stephanie, I was genuinely going to lose my shit.

Luckily for the sake of my sanity, the swinging door to the auditorium decided at that moment to push open, and out walked Sebastian.

Unlike me, he didn't look pissed, in fact, he looked very pleased with himself as he sauntered closer to me. He was wearing a loose obnoxious smile, and eyes that seemed to be dancing with amusement. With his hands in his pockets, he came to a stop before me and leaned up against the nearest locker. "So, what's the problem, Brooks? You seem pissed," he asked with a smile while looking me up and down.

"I'm not pissed, I'm fine," I snapped sharply. I was smart enough to realize that the tone of my voice by no means matched my words.

Sebastian plucked up an eyebrow and stepped forward slightly. "Really? So, It's normal for you to kick people's chairs when you're so cool and collected," he teased, his eyes light and mocking.

"What are you talking about? I didn't kick your chair?" I lied smoothly.

Sebastian looked as though he wanted to laugh as I spoke this statement. "Really? So I'm supposed to believe that some random person kicked my chair unprovoked? You know, it's okay to admit that you were jealous of seeing me with Stephanie. Isn't that why you called me out here in the first place?

A rush of embarrassment burned away at me as I realized how obvious I had been. "Jealous?" I laughed. "Please, the last thing I'd ever be is jealous of you and some girl. You're free to date whoever you want, that's fine by me," I lied. The words couldn't be anymore from the truth, I definitely minded who he dated, and probably always would.

His lips lifted higher. "You sure?" he taunted as he stepped even closer; intimidatingly so. "If I recall a certain girl seemed rather tense on Valentine's date when she read Stephanie's Valentine's day card to me. Why's that?" he probed, practically smiling through his eyes.

"I wasn't tense, I just didn't see what she saw in you, that's all," I justified quickly. "Trust me, I don't like you. And besides, if anyone is jealous, it's you. I wasn't the one who was giving daggers my way when I was sitting near Leon," I threw back.

Sebastian's eyes narrowed and he suddenly didn't look all too pleased. "Sitting near?" he laughed. "You were doing far more than sitting near, and you know it," he snapped coldly.

"And is that a problem?" I asked tauntingly, staring up at him with smug, knowing eyes.

"No," he said thickly, the words pushing through his throat with far too much resistance. "But either way, whatever you're up to is not going to work. I know for sure Leon's into someone else so you're not going to get anywhere with him," Sebastian quickly added.

Even though he actually was speaking the truth, I rolled my eyes in frustration. Wasn't it enough that he was shameless flirting with Stephanie, could he not let me have this one high ground over him?

"Did you mean what you said about Leon?" Sebastian randomly spoke out abruptly, his face taking on an even more serious light.

"Mean, what?" I asked cautiously.

"You know in truth and dare yesterday. You said that out of me and Leon you were most attracted to him. Is that true?" he asked, his eyes not leaving mine once.

I didn't realize how close he had gotten during our conversation, till I was fully drowning under the weight of his eyes. They were dark and intense and had my mind spinning in confusion. What the fuck was up with him and those stupid eyes? Could he not look at me normally for once? In a way that didn't make me feel like I couldn't breathe.

"Erm...," I mumbled as I tried to re-process his question. He stepped closer to me, only increasing the feeling of distraction. I barely even processed we were still in the school corridor anymore, my mind so far away.

Though I was trying to fight it, my eyes kept dropping down to his lips to stare. All I could seem to think about was the last time I kissed him and how good it felt. It was an addictive feeling, and it had only happened yesterday. What would be the harm in doing it one last time? It wasn't like anyone else was around.

"So do you?" Sebastian probed. "Find him more than attractive than me," he clarified, edging closer just that little bit more.

At this point, we were far too close for things to look innocent, and I wasn't backed against a wall or anything. I could easily move back if I wanted to but I didn't.

"Or were you just lying?" he whispered with a swallow. This time he got so close that I felt the warmth of his lips as they brushed against mine.

"I'm-" I whispered before he drowned me out by pushing his lips against mine and taking me into a kiss.

It only lasted a second before I widened my eyes and snatched myself away. As I focused on Sebastian before me I saw him let out a heavy sigh at the loss of contact, and his eyes sagged slightly.

"I wasn't lying, I meant what I said in the game," I lied quickly. I had to desperately ignore the hurt that burned in Sebastian's eyes as he swallowed.

"Also, I told you we can't kiss anymore, okay so please respect that," I said quickly, ignoring how hard the words were to say.

Sebastian let out a heavy sigh and finally nodded his head. "Yeah, of course, I understand. I just thought that-" He cut himself off. "Never mind, it won't happen again," he mumbled.

He took another hard swallow. "I guess we better get back in there before we miss the whole show." Then without even sparing me another look, Sebastian turned his gaze to the ground and strode back into the auditorium, leaving me alone.


Hope you enjoyed

Next Update: I'll say Thursday but hopefully sooner :)

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