The Guardian | Jean-Claude x Mike

150 5 5

[Requested by emestria]

This is the first time I've seen this ship, so that's pretty cool! I read a few of your oneshots and they were amazing :]

I hope I did them justice (I tried my best to keep their personalities similar to yours, but my apologies) and hoping you enjoy this!

I took so long writing this because I lost so much motivation. The prompt was cool but then halfway in, I thought it was weird and stuff, I'm sad :(


[Incorrect Quote]

Bailey: Guys, if you found a box filled with things lost from your childhood,
what would you find in it?

Austin: My happiness! I haven't seen this in years.

Miguel: My sanity, I missed it so much.

Indah: My innocence! This is the best day of my life!

Jackson: MY CHILDHOOD! Man, I can go back and redo all the things I did wrong in life.

Bailey: ... damn, I was gonna say my old, mismatched socks, but now I regret asking.



Some people in this world of ours has a guardian watching to protect them. It was a known oath for us to protect those down on Earth. We're all assigned to a specific person until the end of their life cycle, then move on to the next person who hasn't been assigned. Guardians stick with their assigned person until the very end, their lifelines linked. Both learn and grow older and wiser alongside each other.

I was chosen to be the the guardian of this boy named Jean-Claude. He has light blonde hair, fair skin, and a personality similar to a lit flame, flickering with bursts of energy.

At first, I had no idea what to think when I first met him. Initially, my first thoughts were mixed between a dude spoiled rich by wealth or that he would be quite egotistical with his looks. Looking on my views then. it would come as a surprise that he was vastly different than my expectations had lived up to be.

I would watch him and visit everyday, learning new things about his daily life. He was a good person at heart, up for trying new ideas and giving what he had to help those in need. I fondly remember the time that he spent his own savings to rebuild the community plaza when it was in dire need of polishing. The broken down tiles and the flaky paint was a hazard..

That day, I watched the boy with cleared eyes. I watched the breeze fluttering the wisps of his blonde hair, his smile bright, the sun shining and highlighting the tones of his face... I don't know what made the sight intriguing as it was, perhaps just my imagination.


Days went by and Jean-Claude had received an invitation to a neighborhood party happening in the evening. It was from his classmates, who wanted to celebrate the ending of their high school years together. It sounded like fun, and he was excited to go. But there was a problem.

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