Chapter 39-Brothers Vs Brothers

Start from the beginning

Both brothers reverted to their original forms, their astonishment evident at Nero's newfound transformation.

"This is... interesting." Vergil remarked, his curiosity piqued by his son's appearance.

"Nero?" Dante inquired, his voice marked by surprise.

Nero utilized his wings to deliver a powerful push, forcing them apart and sending them hurtling in opposite directions.

"What form of power is this?" Vergil inquired, gradually rising to his feet, his gaze fixed on Nero's newly unveiled Devil Trigger.

"What the hell?" Dante muttered, slowly regaining his footing as well.

"This ends right here," Nero declared resolutely, his determination shining through his eyes.

Dante rose, approaching Nero with his sword resting on his shoulder.

"Listen to me. I told you already, this is not your-" He attempted to speak, but before he could finish, he was slapped away by Nero's wings, soaring through the air before crashing to the ground.

"You listen, Dead weight." Nero interjected, drawing their undivided attention.

"I won't allow you to kill each other. There are other ways of settling your differences. I'm here to stop this sibling rivalry," Nero declared, his gaze shifting between his father and uncle.

Vergil let out a small laugh as he got back on his feet. "Ahh, you came all this way just for that?" he asked, a faint smirk on his face.

"Vergil... V... whatever you call yourself. Dante's not gonna die here and neither are you. You got a problem with that?" Nero inquired, his father offering a slight nod.

"Not gonna die my ass. That bitch slap nearly killed me." Dante groaned, wiping the blood from his lips as he relocated his jaw.

"If I beat Nero, then by default I beat you. Agreed Dante?" Vergil proposed, adjusting the Yamato to his dominant hand and aiming it at Nero.

Dante shook off his daze and stood up, shaking his head. "Sorry bro, but I can't let you kill your own kid, and I can't let your kid kill you either, this fights always been about us." he replied firmly.

"You were never one to stay out of a fight," Vergil muttered, clearly displeased with Dante's decision.

Dante chuckled. "So what? Two against one, free-for-all?" he proposed, turning to Nero, who wore a confident smirk.

"Do you truly believe you have the power to take us both on, Alone?" Vergil asked skeptically. Nero's smirk widened in response, as the distant sound of something moving at high speeds caught their attention.

"Who said I'm alone?" Nero retorted cryptically, just as a brilliant purple light enveloped the top of the Qliphoth.

15 June, 4:40PM
Izuku and Fenrir ascended to the top of the Qliphoth, and along the way, they came across the fading forms of Vergil's knightmares. He hurried to their side, concerned for their well-being.

"Griffon, Shadow, Nightmare! Wake up! Don't go towards the light!" Izuku pleaded desperately. Griffon managed to open his eyes weakly and gave a smirk.

"Just... the person... we wanted to see," Griffon replied, his voice faint. Izuku glanced around at the destruction caused by Dante.

"Did Dante do all this?" he inquired, to which Griffon nodded.

"Why didn't you run? You could've returned to Vergil or—" Izuku began, but Griffon interrupted him.

"It's because we wanted to see you," Griffon explained, as knightmares' form faded, leaving behind a black, glowing orb.

"Why?" Izuku asked, puzzled, as Fenrir collected the orb.

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