Chapter 44

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Tiffiany pov
Me and Vincenzo had been dating for the past 8 months and I couldn't lie it was a whole new experience for me.

I'm use to being independent and not depending on a guy for anything. I mean sure I would have the casual one night stand or something like that when I didn't want to play with my toys.

I haven't been in a relationship in years. It was hard for me to open myself up especially to another man. After seeing what my sister went through and going through my own problems with hopeless men who only wanted to use me.

Initially when I flirted with the brothers I was just looking to have some fun, but hell that went right out the fucking window with Vin.

He blindsided me. He made me open up , showed me how to trust again. Even showed me how to let him lead sometimes.

He was a breath of fresh air and he accepted me flaws and all. I remember the first time we had sex. It was mind blowing, or at least I thought it was.

That was until me and him got even closer. Then when we moved in together it allowed us to get more intimate and open up parts of ourselves that we had never showed another.

When we finally confessed our love to each other and gave our body up to each other in the name of love. It was like an out of body experience. We were in synch learning each other body and pleasuring each other.

We allowed each other to swap the roles of domination. Every since then we have been becoming stronger as a couple. I mean we argue every so often, but nothing to major.

We've been back from Italy from almost 4 months now and I have been feeling really off lately.

Esha had been continuously calling making sure to check in on me. She tries to make sure me, her, and Delishia either spend a day together or talk on the phone.

Considering Delishia stays with her it's easy for them to stay in the loop and I can tell Esha feels like I'm being distant, but I'm not doing it on purpose.

It's just I'be been busy with my company, Vin, and fighting through my newfound ailments. I've been constantly nauseous, headaches, weak, and tired.

Today I was going to meet up with Delisha so me and her can talk. Esha had to work, so she couldn't join us.

We meet at me and Esha's favorite restaurant.

"Ehi sorella!" (Hey sister) Delishia said to me having a seat at the table.

"No ma'am. You know I don't speak all them other languages like that. Hell I'm learning slowly!" I told her.

She laughed.

"My bad sis I forgot. So what's the tea? How you been? How's the living with your hot sexy Italian man?" Delisha asked firing questions at me back to back.

"Girl calm down! One question at a time please. You act like we have got somewhere to be. When we both know we don't have anything of importance to do today."
I told her while looking at my menu.

"Well that is true. How about we order our food. Then you answer my questions." She said to me and I raised my eyebrow her.

"Uh uh don't play. I won't be the only one asking questions. You over here talking about me. What's going on with you and Matteo freak nasty asses? How's y'all relationship?" I asked her.

"Touché bitch? Touché." She said laughing. After she said that a waiter approached us and we put in our orders for our food.

"Okay well I guess I'll start first. Things have been going good with me and Vin. It's new to me,but he continued to show me how much he loves me and how I can trust him." I told her.

"I know what you mean it's like that with Matteo to. You know I'm not use this especially with my line of work. This is the longest I've stayed anywhere in so long. It's weird and new for me." Delishia told me and I already knew what she meant. Especially in her line of work it's not good to get attached to someone and people to be able to connect you with people because they can use them against you.

"Listen sis I get were you coming from, but like me and Esha told you maybe it's time to retire that job and start a new business. Like a private investigator or something you can utilize your skills. Start your own company something like that. I know it's scary,but I also know you and I know your in love with Matteo!" She looked caught off guard by the last statement I made , but she couldn't deny it because she knew it was true.

"Your right! I love Matteo De Luca with every fiber of my being and I would be dammed if I give that up to go back to doing what I was." Delisha said as they waitress brought our food off and we begin to eat.

"Like I said sis fight for what you want. I love seeing you this open and having you actually here with us. I mean this is new for me to ,but I'm going to hold on to it. Now let's eat I hope I can keep this down." I said and she looked up at me.

"Have you been sick lately?" She asked.

"Yes for the past 2 months I've been nauseated, having headaches, tires, body hurting, all that. Most likely because I have been working so hard and not getting enough rest." I told her.

"Well I have been having some of this same symptoms and I haven't even been working at all." She said as we continued to eat. Them it was like at the same time we stopped eating and looked up at each other.

"You don't think?" I asked

"Nooo I doubt it. Maybe we're just being paranoid." She said then we started back eating. After another few minutes a felt her look at me.

"Maybe we should go get some tests to make sure." She said.

" yeah your right. Waiter!" I said calling her over so we could get the check and go pick up some tests.

We went to Walmart and brought every single brand of pregnancy test they had. I mean we even brought like ten of the dollar test. We decided to go to Tiffiany's house and take them because we didn't know who would be at Ayesha's place.

"Oh shoot. Should we call Esha and let her know what's going on?" I asked Decie.

"No let's take the test first and see what they say and then we will tell her." She said.

"Yeah your right, your right." I told her.

Her billionaire loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora