Chapter 39

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Trevor pov
After we left the basement we went to her room and cleaned up some and changed clothes. Then we headed outside we're Isabella had the kids and they were playing tag.

"Trevor!" I heard Esperanza and Verana say. They forgot all about the game and start running towards me.

"Hey my loves! Are y'all having fun?" I asked them.

"Yes ,but we miss you and mommy." Verana said.

"Yeah we want to spend time with you two." Esperanza said.

"We will spend all the time we can with all of you." I told her she smiled and hugged my neck then I heard Ayesha's voice.

"No love for your mama?" I heard her say and the boys already had made their way to her hugging her right.

"Mommy!" They said and the girls released me and made their way towards Ayesha.

"Juan ,Javier!" I said to the boys " you two ain't show me no love." I said to them and they laughed

"We didn't mean it like that." Juan said.

"Yeah it's just momma come first Trev. No offense!" Javier said and me and Ayesha laughed again.

"No offense taken. How about we play a little bit and then get y'all bathe and into the bed." I asked them and they were sad about having to go to bed ,but happy that we were going to play with them for awhile.
After we got them in the in the bed we helped them say their prayers and kissed them goodnight.

"Well Mr. De Luca are you ready to handle you ex?" Ayesha turned to me and asked. I grabbed her by her waist and pull her to me. My lips just inches away from hers.

I wasn't playing when I told her we would be back to finish the job. "I'm not playing about you and our kids Ayesha. I know I fucked up ,but I'm going to show you I'm all in." I told her and she smiled and kissed my lips.

"Well let's go handle your ex. I'm sure papa Al and nonna has finished her father off already. I'm also sure that Tiffiany , Delisha, and your brothers have been having fun torturing her.

We headed down to the basement and once we walked in and started towards we're they were all we heard is screaming and crying. Aria was yelling the same word over and over. "Please,please let me go. Let me go. I didn't mean it!" She said Tiffiany was about to say something ,but I cut her off.

"Oh now your sorry after you threatened my woman and disrespected our kids. Now that you see that you're not getting out of this you want to beg and plead. All you had to do was let it be ,but no you want order a hit out on my woman and that going to cost you your life." I told her.

"You want to do the honors baby?" I asked Ayesha.

"My pleasure baby." She said then she got some peanuts which Aria is highly allergic to and started putting them in her clothes. Then she got peanut butter and put it in her mouth.

We watched as she started turning red and her body broke out in hives. She started gasping for air because her airways were closing up.

"Your not getting off that easy." Ayesha said she rinsed her mouth out with some water getting all of the peanut butter out. Then she gave her a shot of Epi to keep her alive.

"This is what's going to happen. I want you to tell me why you even chose to come back in Trevor's life after all this time. Matter of fact how did you even know he would be at his office that night. See I'm far from dumb so I was already piecing the puzzle together. Tell me who sent you and we might let you live." Ayesha told her.

When she said all that it got me thinking. Like how did she know where I was. What made her come back after all this time. I was curious to hear her answers as well.

"Well are you going to say anything or not?" Delisha asked her.

"I'm going to count to 4 and if you haven't told me before I get to 4 this potassium chloride will be injected in your neck. Do you know what happens when you receive to much potassium chloride you go into cardiac arrest." She told her and  then Aria started trying to talked ,but you could barely hear what she was saying. I guess her voice was disappearing after all the screaming.

Finally she managed to say 2 names. "Eduardo and Rebecca.

"Son of a bitch!" Ayesha said.

"That fucker!" Delisha said
"Ohh there asses are grass!" Tiffiany said

"Wow and you actually let them two influence you to come back and cause this ruckus. What was I it for you?" I asked her

"You and being back in the spotlight!" She barely talked out.

"Well you can thank them for causing you to lose your life. While you are the blame for your father losing his." Ayesha said then injected Aria in the neck with the potassium chloride.

Her face started to scrunch up in pain and she started thrashing around trying to get her hand free ,but she was still tied up. A few minutes later the life drained from her eyes as they slowly closed and her body went limp.

"Let's go you guys I'll get Uncle Al's men to clean this up." I said as we all headed out the basement and to get cleaned up. I gave Ayesha a kiss on the check and told her I would be by in the morning. I went to my estate to get cleaned up and gets some rest.

After laying in bed just contemplating over all that went down. It was like I didn't even feel remorse what happened with Aria. The kids and Ayesha are my family and I will protect my family with my life.

I already know once we get back Ayesha's going to get Delisha to help pinpoint where Rebecca and Eduardo are.

Things are about to get even crazier.

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