Chapter 32

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Trevor POV
I hadn't talked to to Ayesha in a week. I missed her like crazy,but I just couldn't bring myself to call her and apologize. I guess it was cause I had been talking and chatting it up with Aria my ex. I knew it was a bad idea, but I continued to entertain her.

I didn't even call to check up on the kids or even invite Ayesha to my grandpa's birthday party like my brothers told me to. It was going to be a long weekend. I had just made it home to Italy and decided to just enjoy my hometown before I head back to the house. While I was their I ran into Aria.

"Hey Trevor." She said.

"Hey Aria. You didn't tell me you were coming back to Italy." I told her releasing her from a hug.
She giggled then said, " well of course I wasn't going miss your grandpas birthday party. Your aunt invited me." She said and I forgot how close her and my aunt were.

"Do you want to have lunch together. This past week talking to you has been a breath of fresh air. I told her because it had honestly had been. It took my mine off a lot of things.

She put her arm on my shoulder and rubbed up and down my arm. " I would love to and honestly I'm sorry for what happened between us in the past,but Trevor I love you and I will never take that for granted again."She said and then before I could respond she pulled me in and start kissing my lips. I wanted to pull away,but all those feelings came rushing back and I kissed her back and moved my hands up and down her body.

We broke apart and she starts giggling and I just shook my head and lead her to table to have lunch. We sat and enjoyed lunch and had a long meaningful talk. My phone started ringing it was Vincenzo he asked where I was and I told him I'm having lunch with Aria. Then I hung up the phone before he could even speak.

Me and Aria went our separate ways after lunch. I went to my home I have instead of going to the family estate because I knew everyone would be there and I just wanted to be alone. I had almost forgot about the pre birthday dinner my aunt decided to have. I started getting ready then headed to my family's estate once I got out I seen all the cars lined up. Then I seen a car pull up behind me and Aria got out. She smiled and walked towards me.

"Are you following me ?" I jokingly asked her and she laughed.
"No your aunt called me about and hour ago and said she forgot to tell me about this dinner tonight. So I'm here." She said.

"Well I'll guess I'll be your escort tonight." I said while allowing her to wrap her arm with mine. I knew I shouldn't be flirting because technically I was still with Ayesha. I felt so bad ,but I was confused and everything just felt so familiar and easy with Aria right now.

As we walked in the dining room we were laughing and talking when I heard my name being yelled. When I looked up I saw Juan and Javier running to me. I immediately unlocked arms with Aria and bent down to hug the kids. In my mind I'm thinking what are they doing here.

The kids started asking me where I been and saying they missed me then out of nowhere Aria said , "Listen children I don't know who you are, but my fiancé really doesn't know you so if you can just get your grubby hands off him that would be great!"

"Yes who's kids are these anyway?" My aunt said. I heard chairs scoot back and looked up and seen Ayesha, Tiffiany, and Delisha standing in front of me. "Merda!" I said.

Ayesha pov
Juan and Javier were talking to Trevor when the woman beside him started to speak. This bitch had the nerve to tell my kids to get their grubby little hands off of her fiancé. I wasn't worried about her calling Trevor fiancé ,but she was disrespecting my kids. Then his aunt gone say who's kids are these anyway.

I scooted my chair back from the table and walked over in front of them. I didn't even notice that Delisha and Tiffiany were right beside me the whole time.
"Bella could you please take my kids to go see the gardens?" I asked her and she said "yes you know I will." "Thank you. Juan, Javier go with cousin Bella please." I told them and they left.

" I'm trying not to be disrespectful to you lady,but when it comes to My kids I don't play." I told their aunt and she didn't even say a word.

"Now as for you. I don't give a fuck what you are to Trevor you will not disrespect my kids unless you want to die!" I smiled at her and then she started laughing.

"Trevor chi è questa balena grassa. La conosci? Perché non può parlarmi." (Trevor who is this fat whale. Do you know her? Because she can't be talking to me.) She said and before I could speak Delisha started talking, " you laughing now ,but you won't be for long so I suggest you shut the fuck up." She told her calmly.

"Listen here I don't know who you think you are, but I will quickly show you who I am. Or you can ask your Pussy ass fiancé. He knows who I am and he knows what happens when someone tries to fuck with my kids. Trevor I suggest you get your fiancé in order." I laughed in his face.

Tiffiany started talking. "Trevor I have a few quick questions. First since when do you have a fiancé? Because you are supposed to be in a relationship with my sis here if I'm not mistaken." She said and the girl scrunched up her face.

"That can't be. Me and him have been talking and going on dates for a week now and earlier today when we were eating lunch we shared a very passionate kiss." She said and Trevor's eye widen. I heard Matteo and Vincenzo say "what the fuck fratello what is wrong with you!" I held up my arm for them to stop talking.

"Well Trevor looks like you've made your choice. Thank you for letting me know. I will let y'all enjoy your dinner we will see you all at the birthday party." I said and with that me and the girls started to walk out and the boys came by their sides. As we are walking out I heard that girl Aria say, "Trevor would never be with someone like you, you fat black bitch go find somebody else to raise those bastard kids." She said.
"Sis no!" Matteo said ,but it was too late I had turnt around and grabbed one of my knives from my legs and threw it and it scraped her shoulder. She screamed in pain. "Don't worry it's just a scratch. If I wanted to hurt you I would. I warned you already don't talk about my kids Bitch." I told her.

She screamed and said something about bringing her dad to handle me and stuff. I heard Trevor trying to console her and Tiffiany said " Bitch go get your daddy and you gone wish you never fucked with us."
"Trevor get your hoe. You already know how we coming." Delisha said and we left out to go find the kids and Bella.

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