Chapter 37

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Ayesha pov
When they walked in everyone was still standing and hadn't taken their set yet. It was like when they walked in me,Tiff,D,matty,Vincenzo, and Trevor was waiting for her say something.

To our surprise she didn't say anything her and her dad just went and sat down. We all looked at each other then they boys aunt Rosa spoke. "Ok everyone please take a seat so we can get started." She said then as everyone got settled in their seats she began to speak again.

"I just want to thank everyone for coming out to celebrate our fathers' birthday. Dad we all love you so much and appreciate everything you did for this family. We wish you happy birthday and many more years to come." She said and we all clapped and told him, "Happy Birthday!"

Everyone was eating and having small side conversations when suddenly Aria spoke. "Daddy I want her gone!" She said to him.

"What you say little bitch?" Tiffiany asked.

"I said I want her gone Trevor is mine and no one will take him from me." Aria said

"I will handle it my child don't worry." Her dad told her and me,delishia, and Tiffiany cocked our heads to the side looking at each other like 'who the fuck he think he gone handle.'

"Is there a problem Antonio?" Nonno asked.

"Actually there is. It seems like my daughter isn't happy with Trevor's new toy. So I will be eliminating her. I expect you to hand her over with no problems." Antonio said.

Papa Al started laughing. Then looked straight at Antonio. "Do you really want to fuck with me? I guarantee you won't win." He said.

Delisha crazy ass started rubbing two knives together like she was sharpening them. ". If you think that you have that much power to walk in here and demand us to give you Ayesha. You out your mind old man." She said.

"I don't know what your crazy ass daughter told you, but I'm with Ayesha and if you think you gone take my woman from me you have another thing coming!" Trevor said and that shit turnt me on. Watching him stand up and defend me with his muscles flexing through that suit and his deep voice.

All of sudden Nonno had this real menacing look of his face and it was like his voice got ten times deeper. "You know I don't play about my family and you chose to come with that bull shit on a day that we were celebrating my birthday. You must be out your mind Antonio. If you or your men try to lay a hand on Ayesha you will feel my wrath."

Antonio gulped and you could see a look of fear flash across his face. Before he could speak Aria chose this time to speak.

"I don't give a damn what any of you say. Trevor is mine and I will be leaving with him today and Ayesha is going to be dead. Leaving those little bastards all alone. I get what I want and I'm not scared of anyone of y'all." She said and before I knew it I had got up so fast and shot her in her shoulder with my favorite gun.Then I threw one of my knives in her fathers hand. Then I started laughing.

Delisha started laughing. Then Tiffiany started laughing.

"What the fuck y'all laughing at! You fucking shot me in my shoulder!" Aria said.

"And you put a knife through my hand what is wrong with you?" Antonio said.

"Y'all are funny as hell. Bitch you don't know me. I could have just killed you and that man beside you that you call dad. Then you have the nerve to call my kids bastards. Let me tell you something you won't make it out alive. I'm going to love torturing you and your dear old pops." I told her.

They stood up then tried to tell their men to get me. The guards tried to come around the table ,but Vincenzo and Matteo got up and fought them off.

"Damn that was sexy as fuck baby." Tiffiany said going up to Vincenzo and kissing him on the cheek.

" I ain't gone lie I'm wet as fuck after seeing you fuck then up Matty." D said walking up to Matteo and giving him a passionate kiss.

"Uhh excuse me. Parents still here." Uncle Raoul said.

"Y'all really just fucked up threatening my daughter and my babies." Papa Al said.

I ran towards Aria and kicked her straight in the face she fell back. I instantly jumped on her punching her repeatedly in her face. Saying words while punching her. Don' it.goes.down.over.mine.

"Baby stop. Stop she will be dead and we won't be able to take our time torturing her for fucking with our family." He said while wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me off her. Delisha and Tiffiany had already grabbed her father and tied him up.

"You don't remember me do you?" I asked her dad.

He squinted his eyes. " no can't be." He said

"When papa Al called me his daughter you should have gotten the hint. Plus there's three of us. Your worst nightmares right in front of your eyes. I'm sure you've heard the rumors and stories about what happens when all three of us are together. Well now you will experience it in person." I told him

"Take them to the basement! Uncle Al said.

"Wow y'all ruined my dads birthday." Rosa said.

"Shut up Rosa. Your the one who invited that crazy women and allowed her to come in our family's home being disrespectful." Uncle Al told her.

"All of you just hush! I want to celebrate my husbands birthday in peace. Girls come sit down and eat. Y'all will be able to take care of Aria and her dad later." She said and we all nodded and went back and sat down.

"I'm sorry y'all had to see that side of us,but y'all know I don't play about my kids." I told them.

"We all understand so no need to worry. We would have done the same. Y'all are family and family looks out for each other." Aunt Aurora said.

I nodded then turn to Trevor. " Baby are you going to stick by my side and actually make them pay for threatening our kids?" I asked him.

He looked me dead in my eyes and said. " Baby nobody fucks with our kids. So let's gone finish our food so we can teach them duckers a lesson together."

I smiled then kissed him passionately. You are slowly getting back on my good side.

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