Chapter 34

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Vincenzo POV
When my mom asked where Trevor was everybody just kind of went quiet. A lot had happened and I think we were all just still processing what happened lastnight. I seen Ayesha take a deep breath and I could tell she was about to start talking but I stopped.

"Well you missed the pre dinner last night and alot has happened." I told them. They looked puzzled and then my dad spoke.

"What's going on Vin?" He asked

" I'll give you the short version. Ayesha and Trevor were dating. Trevor watched Ayesha torture someone who was stalking her and then they argued. He got scared and instead of talking to her. He hasn't contacted her and the kids for a week. On top of that when they stopped talking he started back talking to Aria and taking her on dates and last night Aria called Trevor her fiancé, she said they kissed, she talked about Ayesha's kids, threatened her. Then Ayesha cut her with of her knives and Aria said something about calling her dad. Then my beautiful woman and Delisha told them to let him come. I think that about sums it up." I told them.

"Auntie, uncle listen I was always honest with Trevor I told him about my past he knows everything. When that came up with that man I had to make sure he was gone to protect my kids. He agreed too stick by my side, but instead he acted cowardly and left and hasn't contacted me in a week. Just for me to find out he has been talking and out with his ex the person who broke his heart and turnt him into playboy Trevor. It's actually a stab to my heart. He was supposed to talk to me and we were supposed to talk it out." Ayesha said on the verge of tears you could tell she had been holding it in.

"Mio figlio." My dad said pulling her into a hug.

" cry now. I know you hold it in,but I'm here. We are all here." My dad said.

"I'm going to hurt him!" My mom said

"Girls,honey why don't y'all take Ayesha to the gardens so she can get some fresh air. Boys come with me we're going to find your brother." My dad said.

Raoul's pov
My son is making very bad choices right now and it's my job to help him get back on track. I know he loves her because of the way he talked about her to us on the phone.

Me and the boys made it to Trevor's house and got out knocking on the front door. He opened the door and he looked horrible. He had bags under his eyes, the clothes he had on looked like he never got undressed yesterday, his hair was all over his head. He just didn't seem like my son.

"Fratello, odio vederti così. Che succede?(brother I hate to see you like this. What is going on?) Vincenzo  asked him.

He just turnt from the door heading to the living room. He sat on the couch. We all followed and found us somewhere to sit.

"Parlare." I told him.

He took a deep breath. Then rubbed his hands down his face.

"Papa I don't know. I guess after I seen her torcher that man I was like my girl really could fuck me up if she wanted to. Then I got scared. I love her so much and I fucked up by not talking to her. I hurt her just like her no good ex did. I kissed Aria and now I'm losing my future. My wife and kids. Papa I don't know what to do any more. My brothers tried to warn me and I didn't listen to them. She will never forgive me. I love her. I love my kids." He told me about to break down.

"Listen son it's up to you to man up. You said you were going to be there with her,but when it was time to show her you ran. It's time to show her you will stand by her. You apologize to her and the kids. You do whatever it takes to earn her trust back. Make sure that's what you want before you go apologize. You need to set things straight with Aria." I told him.

"Papa I tried and she told me I'm hers and then said Ayesha will never have me and something about telling her dad." He told me and I just shook my head because he's still not understanding completely.

"Son do you want to be with Aria in anyway?"

"No I don't" he said

"Well if you want to be with Ayesha you have to apologize and show her you are going to be with her no matter the consequences. So if she gets her dad oh well you will man up no matter your fear and protect the people you love no mattter what. That's what Ayesha did when she tortured that man." I told him and he just sat their quiet and thinking.

Trevor pov
I was sitting their thinking after what my father just said. He was right the only reason she did that was to protect the kids. My job was to protect her and my kids. That meant protecting her as well and I failed.

I need to call her and apologize then I need to talk to her in person and apologize. I have to do whatever I have to Ayesha is my future and I fucked up. I can't imagine a life without her and the kids.

I looked up at my dad. " your right pa pa. I'm going to call her and see if she will talk to me." I told him.

"Ok son we love you. We are going to go back the the family estate. My dad said and he hugged me. Then Matteo and Vincenzo came behind him hugging me.

"Make it right bro. She misses you like crazy." Matteo said.

"Yeah she really does bro,but it's not going to be easy. You know she gone make you work for it." Vincenzo said.

"I know and I don't care what I have to do. I'm going to do it for her and the kids."

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