Chapter 4

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I look at my phone and there was an unknown number calling. I answered.
This is Ayesha. How can I help you?
Ahh Ms. Player. I told you that you would be hearing from me soon.
Mr. De Luca. I didn't expect to hear from you so soon. I literally just saw you not to long ago.
Well I just wanted to call and let you know that I am very interested in working with you and being one of your sponsors. I am very intrigued by the work that your company does.
That's great! I'm so happy to hear that. How about you come to the office next week so we can sign the contracts?
If you don't mind me asking , why can't we meet sometime this week?
It's definitely no problem with you asking a reasonable question. To be honest I have meetings already for the rest of the week. I also will be leaving early at 5 all this week. I picked up shifts at one of the hospitals that we potentially want to sponsor.
I see. Wow Ms. player you are a busy woman. When you said you research different facilities. I didn't think that you actually go and work there yourself.
Well Mr. De Luca I like to be very through in my research and I think you can only do that if you actually work their.
I like the way you think. I will be at your office next Tuesday at 10 am. That's the only free time I have.
Thank you! Mr. De Luca I like the way I think to. (I laughed) I will see you next Tuesday have a great rest of your week sir.
Same to you Ms. player
I made it home about 30 minutes later and got ready for my shift which is a 12 hour shift.
After my shift I went home and went straight to sleep. I planned on heading to the office around 1 today so I could catch up on some sleep before going back in for my next shift.

When I arrived at the office I went straight to my office. I was greeted by Miranda who asked if I needed her anything to do. I let her know that I needed her to add Mr. De Luca for a meeting next Tuesday at 10am. I then informed her that I need her to send a email to all the staff informing them that we are having a mandatory meeting in about 30 minutes.
While I was in my office I decided I would take the time to call yaya so I can check on the kids.
My daughter , how are you?
I'm fine yaya how are you doing today?
I'm good me and the kids just got done making some lunch. Do you want to speak them.
Of course I want to speak to my babies. Can you put me on speaker phone?
Hey!! Momma (they said in unison)
Hey momma favorite people in the whole world! How are y'all doing today?
We are doing good! (Juan and Javier said in unison)
Yes momma we are but Juan and Javier are being mean to us (Verana said)
Yes momma they are not playing with us
We just want to play with our brothers( Esperanza said)
Sometimes we don't want to play with them momma. (Juan said)
We love them and we like to play with them,but sometimes we just want to have boy time. (Javier said)
I understand boys but when that happens just explain that to your sisters without being mean about it. They look up to you two y'all are their big brothers and it hurt their feelings when you say you don't want to play with them. Girls you have to understand how the boys feel ok. They are not trying to be mean.
Yes ma'am momma we understand. We're sorry Juan and Javier. (Girls said in unison)
We're sorry to Esperanza and Verana we love you. (Boys said in unison)
Now that's more like it. Hug it out. Momma love you and she will talk to you later .
We love you to momma! Have a good day at work! (The kids said in unison)

After I hung up the phone I left the office and headed to the conference room. I walked in the conference and everyone was already there and waiting. Thank you for coming on such short notice I just wanted to let everyone know the news. I talked to Mr. De Luca and he is going to be a sponsor. The room instantly filled with glee and everyone was applauding and cheering.
I just wanted to thank you all for everything. Tomorrow lunch will be provided for everyone! Have a great rest of your day. I have to go and get ready for the night shift at the potential next hospital we are going to sponsor.
I went home and got ready then headed to my shift at work. Soon as I clocked in we had an emergency we're a child was brought in from falling off the monkey bars. The way he fell he had landed on his rib and it was very badly bruised. He had asthma so the pain and the force that he landed was making it difficult for him to breath. He almost coded 3 different times all because they couldn't get a nebulizer there fast enough. Apparently all the nebula we where being used. Which I thought was absurd because how can you run out of nebulizers. It took a while but we finally got him stable. I immediately scheduled a meeting with the director of the hospital for Monday morning. That was ridiculous I was just appalled by how they didn't have enough nebulizers.
That's why I do what I do. This is a hospital in the underprivileged neighborhood and I knew that they would be a little careless because some people feel like just because they are underprivileged that they shouldn't get the proper care and that a bunch of bullshit. I was back at the nurse station charting on my patients and getting ready for shift change. A young girl who looked about sixteen came in barely standing and blood coming from her head. I immediately ran over to her and caught her before she passed out. I shouted for help and to get a wheelchair immediately so we could take her to the room. As we got her in the room we realized that she also had bruises over her body. We had to stop the bleeding from her head and make sure that she didn't have in internal bleeding. We started her IV and got her an oxygen mask. After we got her stabilized I stayed in the room until she woke up. I don't know why but the girl kind of reminded me of a younger version of myself. When she woke up she looked up and asked who I was. I told her that I'm nurse Ayesha and asked how she was feeling. She said she was alright just sore. I asked her what happened and she informed me she was jumped by a group of kids from her neighborhood. I told her if she need anything don't hesitate to call me and gave her my business card. I really hate how these young kids are resorting to violence but I will help as many as I can because I know how it is growing up in a neighborhood like that.

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