Chapter 9

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Ayesha POV
I had just arrived at the shooting range and headed to the front to pay to start my session. I was greeted by the owner who happened to be Mr. Mortelli he was somebody I knew from my past, but we kept in touch. He knew if I came in to the range then it had to be something bad that triggered me to feel that way . I hadn't been there in a long time.

"What happened? Who pissed you off caro?" He asked with his strong Italian accent. " I seen that bitch that Eduardo married after all these years and she works for my current boyfriend. I wanted to give her a good old fashioned ass whooping." I said through gritted teeth. Then he grabbed my shoulder and said , " You know you left all of that violence a long time ago. Don't let her bring that out of you. Just go hit a few targets and work off that anger then go back home to your kids ."

I sighed because I knew he was right, but if that bitch says anything to my kids it's over for her. I went and got my glock and my semi automatic so I could let off a little steam.

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After about an hour of letting of some steam I packed my guns back up and gave them to Mr

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After about an hour of letting of some steam I packed my guns back up and gave them to Mr. Mortelli to put up for me. I informed him that hopefully the next time I see that trifling skank I wouldn't get so worked up that I wanted to actually kill that bitch. Like I said I have a past and I left that alone for a reason.

I made my way over to yaya house to get the kids. They were so excited they practically ran to the car as soon as I pulled up. "There are my beautiful angels!" I said to my kids as they all ran up to me hugging me almost knocking me over. I leaned down and gave each of them a kiss on there foreheads. "Are y'all ready to go home? Do y'all have your bags ready to go?" I asked them the boys nodded there head while the girls had excuses as to why they didn't have anything ready . I just laughed at them then I said " come on let's go inside and get your things together. I need to talk to Yaya about something."

They ran in side and the boys went to play the game while the girls went and grabbed their dolls. I made it in the living room and found Yaya working in her puzzle book with some broken reading glasses. She always worked in her puzzle books with some type of broken glass and it was funny because it wasn't like she couldn't easily get a new prepare. She just chose to wear the broken ones.

"Hola my dear. Is everything alright? You seemed kind of tense earlier in the phone when we talked." She said with a concerned look on her sweet face. I didn't want to upset her ,but I wanted to be honest so I told her. "I went to visit Trevor at his office and take him a surprise lunch and yoga won't believe who his assistant is." I told her as I looked at her curious eyes. "His assistant is your son's wife and I damn near beat her down right there in his office." I said and she couldn't believe it.

I could see the worry on her face, the hurt she felt from her own flesh and blood. She grabbed my hand and said "Ayesha please calm down my child. I'm so sorry how my own child has caused you and his children all this pain. It like he chose her over all of us and while I can deal with how he did us it just saddens me how he did his own kids." She was on the verge of tears and so was I, but I didn't want the kids to happen to walk in on me crying so I quickly whipped the tears away. "I'm scared for the kids it's like I don't want him to get any ideas and try to suddenly be involved in the kids life because I know he doesn't genuinely want to be."

I honestly could now see the tears falling from her weak eyes. "I just don't know where I went wrong ,but I assure you even though he's my son I won't allow him to cause anymore hurt to my grandchildren. Now tell me about this Trevor. When am I going to meet him?" She asked and I smiled and told her "Yaya at first I was skeptical about let my guard down ,but honestly it was just so natural with him. He knows about my past and he knows about the kids and he is still all in.

Even though I have 4 kids and I'm a single mother he still wants to be with me!" She smiled and cupped my face on her hands. "Just be careful dear I can see how much you like him just by the way you speak about him. Has he meet the kids yet?" She asked and I slowly shock my head no and told her " Not yet but we decided that he will meet them Friday. I just have to talk to the kids about it." "Well just do what's best for you and the kids and never settle for less." "Thank you so much Yaya. Me and the kids love you and really appreciate everything.

After we talked for a little longer I gather up the kids and we left to go home. We went in the house and I went to run the kids bath water. They loved it when I added the different color bath bombs. I also added so special lavender salts to help them sleep better.

After their baths we ate dinner which was grilled chicken and Mac and cheese. Then I said to them, "momma has something she wants to ask y'all. How would y'all feel if momma had a new friend that wanted to meet y'all?" They all looked at each other then back to me and then Javier was the first one to speak. "Like a boyfriend momma?"He asked then Esperanza was the second one to speak. " momma what's a boyfriend?" I chucked and then said "well baby is like a friend who you are really really close with but y'all make each other happy, work together, go out together and build a family and some day even get married."

I don't know why I said that last bit ,but every time I thought about Trevor I saw my future. Even this short time with him I couldn't picture myself without him. Juan was the next to speak. "As long as he's nice and make you happy and doesn't hurt you our my sisters like daddy did then we are fine." I couldn't help ,but look at him my son was so mature and he wanted to make sure we were happy I could see the hurt I. His eyes when he said the last part about his dad and it damn near broke me. I informed them that they would meet Trevor Friday and surprisingly they were excited for him to come over Friday. I put them to bed then picked up my phone to cal Trev.

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