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Laying sleepy Jules on the bed, Bright put her teddy bear beside her and covered both of them with a cozy blanket. After Talia sealed off the Morpher's power Bright brought Jules to a nearby restaurant for lunch. They both spend plenty of their time outside by going to game arcades and bookstores. Jules had so much fun even deep down Bright knew she's missing Emma. And so does he.


Bright came out from his sorrowness, getting Jules attention. He lightly smile at her, stroking her hair.

"Can you find my mama?"

The smile on his face vanished. He thought Jules already knew about her mother. Seems like Emma didn't told her the truth. Although she's a five years old now, her heart still missing the most precious thing. A motherly love.

Jules keep stare at him cluelessly. Time is ticking and he have to make a choice. Lie or truth. Either way she have to face the reality.

Taking a deep breath, Bright look at her. "Jules. do you remember your mama"

She shook her head. "Do you want to see her?"

She nod her head again. Bright smile, carried Jules on his arms and walk towards the glass window. His heart pounded like a ticking bomb.

Opening the window, the cold air flown through inside the room. The sky was painted in dark blue with a lot of shining dotted stars and a half crescent moon. It was so amaze to look.

"See that star right over there?" he asked Jules, pointing his finger at a star below the moon. Jules followed his direction and find it.

He smiled, kissed her temple. "You see how shining it is"


Inhaling deeply, he look at her while her eyes gazing on that star. "That's your mama, Jules"

The moment has come. They can heard only the sound of the wind but nothing else. Jules slowly raise her right arm towards that star. Bright didn't interrupt on what she's trying to do.

"Mama" she called out her mother, trying to grab it with her hand.

Numerous times, she tried her hard to catch that star but it was failed. Her face shows anger as she keep trying. Bright heart sank down to his stomach watching that scene. At one point he grabbed her hand that's been trying to reach out that star. Jules glance at him in both confuse and anger. Her eyes glaze with tears that made him sad.

"Your mama is too far away" he softly told her.

A single drop of tear fall from her eye as he catch it with his hand.

"She's always protecting you from up there"

"Mama protect me?" she asked him.

Bright nod his head wiping her tears with his thumb. "That's right. Because she loves you"

A small tug of smile form on her lips as she laid her head on his shoulder, watching that glowing star.

"My mama loves me"


Sit on the chair, Bright stare at her pretty face. She's still sleeping peacefully without any signs of movement. Only her heartbeat on the monitor gave him hope. Her face was not pale anymore and every bruises and wounds were fully healed.

He take her hand with his and place a warm kiss on the back of her hand.

"I know this might sound crazy but I want you listen to my voice, Wolfy" his voice filled with sorrowness.

He place another kiss on her forehead. "Jules is missing you very much. She need you. And I need you, Wolfy.

He lean his forehead on her hand while gently caressing her forearm. "I miss your voice, your smile, laugh. I miss every part of you"

Those are not just some mere words but for him it was the truth. She's the one who could see the real him. He already lost one and his heart don't have the brave to lose another. A small gulf of tear dropped on her hand.

"Open your eyes for me, Wolfy"

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