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Few hours later, Charles enter my cabin and we start to discuss about pack business and few problems that occur in my pack land.

I write some important things on my notepad that needs to done while I stay at the North.

"I want you take care of this matters while I'm away" I said and hand over my notepad to my Beta.

Charles nodded as he looks over the written information. "Alright. I will take care of it. Are you sure, you want to go alone?"

"Don't worry about me Charles. I'vegot this" I said calmly.

He shrugs, "The XD organization is really troublesome. How you're going to find them?"

I frown, "You don't have to worry about this. I would deal with it myself."

He sighe and left my cabin. After attend few meetings and run other errands to make sure everything is fine while I'm gone.

At about.five I the evening, I left from my office. Taking the elevator, I get back to the ground floor.

I could see Leo flirting with the receptionist. He somehow sense my gaze as he turn around and look at me in shock. I ignore his reaction and walk towards the exit

"Where are you going brother?" Leo aske me curiously before I could go out.

"I'm going for a run. You can continue flirt with her."

The receptionist face blush in embarrassment.

"I'm not flirting with her" Leo said while scratch back of his head.

I give him a wry smile and left the building. Get inside my car, I ignite the engine and drive.

After 30 minutes of driving, I stop the car on a place where I like to run. The place is filled with adventure and danger.

Big and long trees surround the place and cause the surrounding dark. There is a quicksand, boogey traps and as I said adventures and dangerous.

I stripped of my clothes and toss it on the top of the car. Take a deep breath, I close my eyes to awake my wolf.

'It's been too long buddy' he howls happily.

I chuckle, 'Looks like you miss me so much, Drax.'

'Hell yeah! I love this place.'

I groan, 'Cut the crap and start.'

'Alright. Lets do this.'

Imagining my wolf form, I befin to shift. Muscles are begin to stretch, bones are breaks, teeths getting sharpen and fur are growing out.

A 'POP' sound cause me to howl loudly. Opening my eyes I watch the surrounding firstband then give my wolf to control. He move and scratch the front right paw nails on the ground.

It's Drax favorite thing to do which gives him rage and determination. He howls once more and start to run like a speed cheetah.

He jumps above the fallen log or small pool. He even use his claws to jump around trees. It's actually fun and also it's a training for me to get prepare for what's coming at the North.

People who live in North are known to be savage and ruthless. But I don't give a damn care about that. I'm much more badass than them.

'Drax are you ready to go North?'

'Hell yeah! It's time for me to taste blood of the people in North.'

I sigh, 'Drax we are not going for retribution but to investigate.'

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