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Gosh she's too stubborn. I told her its nothing but she keep denying it. I really dont wished her to be sad again. I even hated when she cry.


Andrea's voice pull me out from my thought. She glance at me smirkingly. My eyes widen, realizing the deep meaning behind her reaction.

"Wolfy, you need to get down from me"

She stare down at me in confuse and soon understand as she quickly get off from me. Both of her cheek blushed out that made her look very gorgeous like always. The moment she sense I'm gazing at her, she quickly covered her face with both of her hands. That made her even more embarrassed.

I chuckle, leaned my back against the wall and pull her on my lap. Wrapping my arm around her waist while I remove her hands of from her face and gently hold with mine.

'You can tell her'

Andrea nodded and begin to speak.

"Based on the report, you're perfectly fine Emma. Your bones are completely healed and same to those wounds and other scars you suffered."

I kiss the top of Wolfy's head.

"Told you" I whisper on her ear.  

She groans made me frown. I'm pretty sure she even rolled her eyes.

"Then why this scar on my abdomen isn't disappeared?" she ask her.

"Well there are actually two reasons. Your wolf genes arent stronger enough since your wolf is not completely regenerate yet. And second, the cut was too deep and it will take quite time to heal. You should be lucky that youre a wolf. No normal human can suffer this kind of attack."

I can feel her body tensed out. I slowly stroke her back, making small patterns to sooth her down.

"You may still feel a mild pain there but don't worry."

Once she get relaxed, I get down from the bed and stand beside Andrea. Her head look down, keep tracing her finger on that scar.

Before I could move Andrea hold my arm. I stare at her in confuse.

'Looks like she wants to ask something. Just give her time.'

I want to argue on that but wait she said is right. Its her rights to know about her condition. I can't keep predicting what she's thinking about.

Nodding my head, I slump on the chair and just watch her.

"Will it affect my p-pregnancy?"

Her question was indeed made us both surprised.

"If you're a human then I can say the chances are extremally low. But for female wolves like us, its not a big problem. You will get pregnant."

She finally raise her head, feeling relaxed.

"Thank you for telling me"

Andrea giggles, "Oh its nothing. As a doctor, I just done my duty. I'd be the one who should thank you otherwise Alpha would kill me."

I raise my eyebrow. "When did ever want to kill you at first place."

She roll your eyes, "I still remember how you cried when she nearly lost her life and even you growl at that nurse. Poor that she's nearly quit her job."

I'm dumfounded when she told me that.

"Wait, did I nearly died?"

Alpha's Second Chance Where stories live. Discover now