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“Report. Why I see some new faces in our pack land?” I ask Charles as we both at my cabin while reading the document of my new project launch by Davidson Corporation.

Leonardo still not able to fully adapt to business world as I have no other choice but take over the project.

I saw some new people on my packland. We don’t easily recruit or accept people from outside since of the lame stupid rules made by the ancestors of this pack.   

Charles sigh, “After you go to north, we got request from Alpha Jayden from Quinsy pack that they spot a rogue’s camp near the mountains. When we get there the whole place become a total massacre. We able to catch their rogue’s beta and some of their minions. Their Alpha and the rest was KIA.”

I frown as look at him, “Any survivors?”

He nodded, “We found they imprisoned lot of people and we save them all. Since Jayden can’t fully take them due to his packland is getting full and I have no other choice but to move them here.”

“Did you check their backgrounds?”

“Yes. It’s clean and lot of them pass the test. And for the rest, we hold them inside the prison.”

I raise my eyebrow, “Why?”

He shrugs, “I can’t decide on what to do with them. I can inject Talia’s medicine on them to kill their wolf but I need confirmation from you.”

I sigh, massage my temple. They should be generous over my kind offers but they still feel adamant.

Putting the document on the table, I stand up and take off my tie from my shirt.

“Let’s go hear their vouch. If they still talk nonsense, let's give them what we should.”


“I don’t want to lose my wolf or spend my life on the treacherous human world” one of the guy inside the cell growls over my offer.

I turn to my side and see Victor, the prison doctor holding a syringe with a dark red fluid inside of it.

“Execute him” I finalize my decision and move towards the next cell.

"NO! Please. I change my mind. STOP! PLEASE!" That guy whimpers and curse me loudly as I didn’t take his words seriously.

All the prisoners along the corridor fall into silent over that guy’s loud groaning pain. I can see fear surving inside them.

It takes about thirty minutes where out of twenty people only five people agreed to my decision as they choose to work on my human business world.

I promise them to give enough salary and proper accommodation, training or education based on what they want to do.

“Where are the rogues?” I ask Charles while drinking a glass of water.

“They all keep at the underground cell.”
I nodded as we both walk downstairs.

“Are you in love with her?” Charles ask me as I daze.

I scrunch my eyebrows, “Who?”

He roll his eyes, “You know who I’m talking about.”

I didn't answer him. Love. That's not what I prefer to say.

He pat on my shoulder, “I can see something between the two of you. Bright, you can’t bring Christine back. Life has to move on. You can give chance to Emma. From what Kate told me about her, she might be a good girl.”   
Something spark on my mind and I turn my gaze to him, “What if-if……if she’s still alive?”

Alpha's Second Chance Where stories live. Discover now