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I glanced at one house that I didn't approach for a long time. Inhale deeply, I stepped out from the car. The neighbourhood is still fee like old times. Reminds me of my childhood days where me and my brothers pull out a lot dangerous stunt. Strolling towards the front door, I twist the doorknob and push it open. The scent inside the house gave me a familiar feeling. The furniture are all clean and perfectly neat.

Looks like she same as always. She don't like dust covering her house. The pictures hanging on the wall reminds me a lot of memories. Their smile, moments that would never forget.

"Whose there?"

A silvery voice come out from the kitchen as I heard along the hallway. I didn't reply but walk to the kitchen. And there she is. I can smell the aroma of spices on the air. Entering the kitchen, my eyes spot her. Her hair fold into a bun and some of the strands turn into white. She's cooking something on the wok. She still can't feel my presence.


She stop sauteing the turner and turn around. Few wrinkles form on her forehead and she wears a pair of spectacle. But her facial still look like young version of her. Her eyes brimmed with tears the minent she saw me. Guiltiness takes over me knowing its my fault I push them away.

Step towards me, she place her hand on my cheek.

"F-Five years Bright. You never visit us" she sob out.

"I know" I whisper quitely, unable to meet her eyes.

"Daisy honey. What with the......"

A middle age man open the back door of the kichen and stop speking when he saw me. His eyes turn black and canines come out. I can feel his wolf rage exposing form his body. I keep calm myself understand this is not the motive I came here.

"Xavier stop?" my mom stern at him.

"Move" his wolf growl. I step infront of my mom keeping her protect from him.

"I come here for my dad. Back off Alius" I speak calmly.

With one ferocious growl, he control his wolf ans return back to normal. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he take few breath and glare at me.

"If you have nothing to say, then get out"

I didn't take his words and take my seat on the island. He look displease over my action as my mom whack his shoulder.

"Xaveir Davidson. Stop acting like an old man."

His stare at her in displease.

"How can you fogive him so easily. That asshole didnt visit us for five fucking years. FIVE YEARS DAISY!" he roar out.

She sigh, "Maybe he have his own reason."

He scoff dissatisfy over her answer.

"I couldn't find Christine."

They both gasped in shock. I still remembered when my mate told me she met them. I was angry when she did that. Eventually, my parents accepted her.

"You gone to north and saying you don't find anything at all" he ask me coldly.

I clenched my hand when he ask me that question. My silence made him more angrier.

"Are you even my son?"

That's when all the rage I hold get explode. I smashed my fist in the island. The marble table break in half over the impact. Hot blood gush out from the open cut and drip on the floor. Staring coldly at my father I asked one thing that I been eager to ask for a very long time

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