Chapter 167: Preparation

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The colonel read the mission report of the recent attack on the Golden Gate Bridge, then looked through the current news articles on her cellphone.

"My god... what the hell..." the colonel sighed. "Why the fuck?"

"I can assume that they will not remain quiet from this point forward."

"After pulling some bullshit like that, how can they?" the colonel responded. "We have to find their headquarters here and now, so we can fucking finish this already!"

"Until then... we still have to check on our men." the captain responded. "You know that the death of Sergeant Riley affected them greatly."

"I'm no therapist, captain..." the colonel replied, kicking her feet up on her desk. "Surely you can say that they've got you to sort them out?"

"It's not that simple, ma'am..."

"Well... I wish it was..." the colonel responded with a sigh. "You did cremate both of them, right?"

"Everything is done according to protocol, ma'am."

"Alright, so there should be nothing to worry about." the colonel smiled. "And also... you wouldn't happen to know where the others are, would you?"

"What for, ma'am?"

"To check up on them."

"Not at the moment, ma'am." the captain answered. "But I do have a few ideas. However, didn't you just say before that you wanted nothing to do with them right now?"

"And you're right, captain." the colonel responded, then directed her attention to the papers cluttered over her desk. "I mean, have you seen the shit I have to do?"

"Ma'am, you and I both know that you would procrastinate on the work as always."

"And you're right about that too." the colonel smiled. "So, where did you say they were?"

"Why do I even bother..." the captain sighed. "Alright, ma'am, follow me. I have an idea as to where they are."

"Okay, on you."

The colonel followed closely behind the captain, leaving the office and closing the door behind her. With that, the captain led the way towards the main building.

"So you're thinking that they'd be in the infirmary?"

"After what had just happened... where else would they be?" the captain answered. "You already know how close all of them are."

"Yeah, guess so..." the colonel responded. "For all the times they get injured, maybe it was dumb of me to ask. Whenever they get back up, Portnow's just knocking them down."

"But you have to admire their determination to save him, da?"

"Yeah... but sometimes you gotta face the facts." the colonel answered. "Like, not everything can go as to what they want it to go, you know?"

"Da... although I wish to not tell them that at the moment."

"Yeah, probably for the best." the colonel nodded in agreement. "Don't break their hearts, let them be. Whatever happens, happens."

After a few more minutes, the two officers walked to the infirmary door and opened it, catching the attention of everyone in the room.


"Alright, cut the shit." the colonel responded then looked at the everyone. "How's things?"

"Freddie looks like he'll be back in action tomorrow..." the tomboy spoke up. "Iris... still needs some more time to even think."

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