Chapter 139: SCP-179

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After a short while, the group had fully recovered from their injuries and were now back on their respective duties. As they ate lunch in the cafeteria, they, along with Iris, began to converse about the athlete's whereabouts.

"Maybe he's in a forest somewhere?" the tomboy asked. "I mean, he did go that way and then ended up somewhere in the Midwest or something..."

"Might be... but by now he could be anywhere." the joker answered. "Hell, he might even be in Europe or Asia by now."

"Adrian, how the hell would he get there?"

"Drista, he's a strong swimmer, remember?" the joker asked. "Well, either that or he snuck into a boat or something..."

"He can swim really fast?" the teenage girl asked.

"Yeah, of course, he can..." the joker answered. "He's better than anyone I've seen, and trust me... he's a monster when it comes to water."

"Even still, I don't think he could've made it across the ocean like that..." the peacekeeper spoke up. "I mean, come on... without food or good drinking water, he'd die before getting halfway."

"What about that one French guy?" the joker asked. "I mean, he swam across the Atlantic once, didn't he?"

"That's because he had a boat to sleep in!" the researcher answered, yelling at him. "What you're saying is just ridiculous, Adrian!"

"Woah, okay..." the joker put his hands up. "Jeez, you don't have to shout at me..."

"I'm sorry..." the researcher sighed. "I'm just... feeling so stressed about this... he's lost again, even though he got him back multiple times before."

"And we'll find him again, just like before..." the peacekeeper answered. "I'm sure the colonel's got this covered and we'll find his exact location..."

"I hope that he doesn't get himself hurt again..." the researcher replied. "Perhaps I was too harsh on him..."

"Hey, Adrian, you think we're gonna fly around in the helicopter again just to find him?" Iris asked. "That worked last time, so it'll work again, right?"

"Maybe? I dunno..." the joker answered. "I mean, it'll be a lot easier this time because Steve isn't involved..."

While the others are still talking amongst themselves, Athena suddenly stood up from her seat, getting their attention.

"I'll see myself out for a moment..." the researcher told the others. "Just to clear my head from this..."

"Oh, okay... take as much time you need." the peacekeeper  understood. "We'll be out and about if you need us..."

"Right... I'll see you all later."

With that, the researcher walked out of the cafeteria, leaving the others to continue their conversation.

"Maybe he--"

"Adrian, that's enough from you." the tomboy interrupted him.

"I didn't even say anything yet!"

"Anyway... I guess we should keep looking for him, right?"

"For now... we'll just wait for the captain's orders..." the peacekeeper said. "I'm sure she'll send us wherever she needs us to be to find him."


A few minutes had passed by and Athena had made her way into her and Drista's room. She was currently sitting on her bed, sighing to herself.

"The captain told us about this 'Scarlet King' and how it's taking control of you..." she thought to herself. "How did this happen to you? What have you done?"

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