Chapter 158: SCP-3275

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In the suburbs, a group of young adults were having a get-together. They had just finished a great dinner, and the host was planning on what to do next.

"And so what's next, Mack?"

"Eh, I don't really know..." the host answered with a shrug. "I mean, we could just do whatever... like we were just doing."

"Yeah, but that's no fun." one of the guests spoke up. "Come on, let's just play truth or dare!"

"Absolutely not!" one of the other guests retorted. "I'm not playing that with a whore like you, Macey!"

"Alright, Twister then if you're gonna be such a bitch about it..."

"Not that either!" the same guest opposed again. "You're just gonna find a way to get all up in Jordan's shit, then who knows what you'll do!"

"Sara, you're saying that like it's a bad thing..." a male guest spoke up, lightly chuckling. "I mean, I'm all in."

"You're in someone else's house!" the guest, known as Sara, responded again. "And you're in Mack's house of all places!"

"Yeah, why don't you two do that later?" another guest spoke up. "You know, when nobody's watching?"

"Fine..." Macey sighed, crossing her arms in annoyance. "Then what the hell are we meant to do?"

"Hey, Mack, you still have Risk, right?"

"Yeah, man, surely you still have it." Jordan added.

"I mean, yeah..." the host nodded. "But..."

"But I don't wanna play a nerdy game!" Macey spoke up. "I mean I get that Mack and Antonio play those kinds of games, but that seems way out of character for you, Jordan."

"Looks like there's still some things you don't know about me..." the relaxed guest responded. "Who says I can't play those games, huh?"

"Well, why don't I show you?"

"Take this somewhere else, you two!"

"Ugh, Sara, you're such a killjoy!"

"Again, you're in someone else's house!" the stern guest responded. "How many times do I have to say this to get it through your thick skull?"

Almost immediately, the entire group heard the front door knocking.

"Uhh... were you expecting someone else, Mack?" Macey asked.

"No...?" the host responded. "I mean, I don't think so..."

"Oh, sorry, that's for me..."

The sudden voice belonged to Mack's older brother, suddenly walking to the front door to greet whoever was on the other side.

"What is it?"

"Heh, wouldn't you like to know?" the older brother answered. "Just do whatever, alright?"

"Oh... o-okay..."

"The nerve on him..." the stern guest muttered, clearly disapproving of his behaviour.

"Sara, don't let him get to you." the host tried to calm her down. "You know how he is..."

"Looks like someone's salty, eh?" the flirtatious guest spoke up, trying to tease the stern guest further. "Looks like past came back to bite you in the ass!"

"That was one time, okay?" the stern guest responded. "And that didn't mean anything!"

As the guests were talking amongst themselves, the host's older brother had opened the door and greeted the person outside.

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