Chapter 72: SCP-076

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General Brooks and Captain Polonskaya were in an inconspicuous facility vehicle heading towards Containment Area 25.

"Captain, remind me again why do we have to go here?" the general asked.

"Ma'am, we're here to inspect the containment cell of SCP-076..." the captain answered. "We arranged a meeting with the site director yesterday, remember?"

"And who said that we're going to the meeting?" the general asked.

"The O5 Council, ma'am."

"Really? Them?" the general asked. "Why're they sending us there? Why can't they just do it themselves then?"

"They have to remain inconspicuous to other personnel." the captain answered. "Not even all of the site directors know that the O5 Council even exists. They're that important to the Foundation's being."

"That sounds more of a boogeyman or something more than anything."the general replied. "Like seriously, what did they even do?"

"Well, most of it I can't exactly say... especially since our companions here have no such clearance." the captain answered. "They would rather not know about the council."

"And... why am I here?" one field personnel asked.

"Right..." the captain acknowledged. "Yaznov, you're with us since we need a sort of escort and security, just in case something happens."

"Understood, ma'am." the soldier nodded.

"Ma'am, we're nearing the checkpoint gate." the driver informed everyone in the vehicle.

"Alright, just slow down here, Kivanev..." the captain instructed the driver. "Ma'am, you're going to talk to the guard why we're here."

"Yeah, yeah, I got it..."

With that, the vehicle slowed down and stopped at the checkpoint gate. A guard went over to the driver then walked to the general. He tapped on the glass a few times, signalling the general to lower the window, to which she complied.

"State your name." the guard asked.

"General Brooks." the general stated her name. "I'm here for a meeting with the site director for a sort of security sweep."

"Ah, okay, right here..." the guard looked at the ledger, seeing the scheduled meeting. "Alright, move along."

The vehicle went past the checkpoint and stopped near the entrance of the main building. With that, the general, the captain, and their assigned soldier started to walk towards the main building.

They entered the main building and they found themselves in the lobby. The lobby was neatly furnished and decorated with potted plants.

The three then walked up to the clerk, to inform him and the site director about their arrival.

"Yes, how can I help you?" the clerk asked.

"We're here for the meeting with Site Director Maxwell." the captain answered. "We arranged it yesterday."

"Let's see here..." the clerk checked his ledgers and found the exact meeting. "Oh here, yes, please have a seat over there and I'll inform the site director about this."

"Alright, thank you."

With that, the three walked over to one of the couches and sat down on it, with the escort soldier seated on the left, followed by the captain and the general.

Meanwhile, the clerk got to the phone and contacted the site director about the arrival of the general in the area.

"So we gotta wait here?" the general asked the captain.

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