Chapter 149: D-Class Training

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Day 1

A D-Class had awakened with a splitting headache. She tried to adjust to the lights surrounding her, taking this time to look around. She noticed that she had an orange jumpsuit on, was on a bottom bunk bed and then noticed that she was in some kind of dormitory; it was slightly cramped as twenty other women were there with her, with their panicked voices and cries filling the room.

"Huh? W-What happened? Where... am I?"

She clutched her head because of her pain, but she tried to get her bearings. For a few moments, her mind had been scrambling for any prior memories, only drawing a blank for her; because of this, she panicked, her eyes widened and beginning to hyperventilate.

She thought for a few moments more, then like a flipped switch, something finally came to her.

"Samara Logan." she remembered. "I'm Samara Logan."

She realised this, beginning to calm herself down.

Once she found her mental note, a few other details began to follow suit, connecting themselves into somewhat coherent memories.

"I was born in... Cheyenne... no, Rock Springs, Wyoming. Um... I was an Elementary School Teacher for... almost ten years."

With each detail she could remember, her identity solidified.

"Been married for seven years... have two kids, a teenage son and a little daughter... and their names are..."

At this point, she began to struggle again.

"Their names are... shit! Why can't I remember? Their names are... their names are..."

She tried to remember, thinking of name after name just to see if she could somehow recall her children's names.

James, Katrina, Emily, Jack, Henry, Mary, Keith, Evan, Taylor, Billy, Sophia, Kyle, Kate, Alice, Nathan, Patricia...

Suddenly, a PA system came to life, breaking the D-Class out of focus.

"Attention, everyone." a male voice spoke through the PA system. "All D-Class personnel, report to the dormitory common rooms for orientation."

As soon as the voice stopped speaking, the door of the dorm opened. The women inside began to leave the dorm, forming a single file line, and making their way towards the dormitory common room.

All of them were still confused as to where they were or why they are here, but they figured that this orientation would help them in attaining information.

They had ended up in a room filled with men and women wearing the same orange jumpsuits.

"May I have your attention, please?"

A voice had spoken up from the front of the room, but it was ignored as it was drowned out by the mass of people murmuring to themselves. Samara looked to the front of the room, seeing a pair of stoic guards, and between them were two researchers.

One of them was male, somewhat lanky, with a glare firmly on his face. The other was female, with medium-length blonde hair and a somewhat softer expression.

"Your attention, please."

Again, no one listened to the man's voice.

The man turned towards his partner, giving her a nod. She understood the signal, to which she pulled out a remote device from her lab coat pocket and pressed the button.

This activated a high-pitched squeal, which made everyone cover their ears. After which, all eyes had turned to the man.

"That's better." the man commented, then spoke up. "Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I'm Manchester, and I'm the D-Class warden for this unit. My partner here is Doctor Murray, this unit's physician. I understand that you may have your queries and questions such as why you are here, what is this place, and what will happen to you. Rest assured, all of these will be answered if you'd just take thirty minutes of your time here. This is your D-Class Orientation."

The SCP Foundationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें