Chapter 152: SCP-011

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In a small park in Woodstock, Vermont, a resident was walking past on his own as the sun started to rise. He looked up at the statue nearby him, smiling to himself.

There was a Civil War Memorial, depicting a young Union soldier with a musket at his side. The statue was carved out of granite quarried from the area, and as of late, there were small traces of bird excrement on it.

"Well... someone better clean him up." the resident sighed. "Can't these birds show a little respect for the brave boys who fought in the war?"

The resident looked at the state's face, where he saw the statue blink, for a brief moment. The resident blinked in response, surprised and confused at what he saw.

"What the?"

The resident rubbed his eyes, then looked back at the statue. He didn't see any more movement from its face, though he was very certain at what he just saw.

"Am I...?" the resident then sighed. "Nah, can't be. I know what I saw, but... that can't be right... just can't be."

The resident started to walk away from the memorial, still confused about what he saw. He didn't believe it, but he knew that it was real.


A few months have passed by, and the resident was walking in the park again. Although he was now weary of the memorial, he still had walked past it, just a small distance away so that he could still see it.

He then passed by a few other locals, all of them he was familiar with, but weren't much acquainted. The most they had done was idle chit-chat and went about their day.

"Hey, Chris!"

The resident saw that another was waving to him as he walked towards him.


The two residents walked up to each other, smiles on their faces as they high-fived each other then pulling into a shoulder bump.

"How've you been, man?" Jay asked. "Doing alright? Haven't seen you for weeks."

"Well... nothing too crazy, I've just been busy for a couple of days..." the resident, Chris, answered. "How about you? Doing good?"

"Yeah, well, I was just here and there..." the other resident answered. "Doing my own thing, you know..."

"Staying out of trouble, I hope..."

"Yeah... well, I try." the other resident responded. "Listen, since we're both here, so might as well go ahead and hang out, yeah?"

"Sounds nice... but what're we gonna do?"

"I mean, we could always just--"

Before the resident could finish his sentence, the two heard a loud bang. The two froze in place as they saw some birds flying into the sky.

"W-What the hell was that?"

"That sounded like..."

Another loud bang followed, which then prompted the two keep their heads down. The two were so confused as to what was happening, though they didn't want to hurt themselves.

"Yeah, that's a gun alright..." Jay responded. "But why does it sound off?"

"Off how?"

"I dunno... it's a bit weird."

"Here, let's just hide behind that bench." Chris suggested. "You can figure this out later when we're safe."

"Yeah, good idea..."

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