Chapter 25: SCP-001 [Dr. Gears]

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The submarine had crashed into the island, making its occupants disoriented. The three were knocked out temporarily, since they hit their heads in the metal walls of the submarine.

The remaining three soldiers, together with the strike leader, immediately surveyed their surroundings. The rest died during or shortly after the crash.

"Everyone alright?" the strike leader asked.

"Yeah, I'm up, sir..." one of the soldiers answered.

"Yeah, I'm good." another answered.

"I'm here, but the hostages are kinda... dead." the last soldier answered. "Should we check their vitals?"

"Nah, leave them be. They're not our responsibility." the strike leader answered. "Come on, we got to make sure the area's clear."

"B-But what if they're hurt?"

"They're not, because they're already dead! Now stand down!"

The soldier stood down on his statement. The group began to leave the submarine and began to leave the submarine. Dustin started to slowly wake up, opening his eyes slightly and trying to see through his blurry vision.

His vision became clearer, just as the soldiers left the crashed submarine. He immediately felt pain on the right side of his head.

"What... what happened...?" he asked himself.

He then noticed that he was leaning his back on Drista, who was leaning her front to Freddie, having her chin on his right shoulder. The two seemed to still be unconscious.

"Hey, Drista, Freddie." Dustin shook the two slightly. "Wake up..."

After a few seconds, Drista and Freddie came to their senses. The tomboy then realised that she was leaning against Freddie and immediately backed away.

"S-S-Sorry, Freddie!" Drista immediately apologised.

"It's fine, Drista. You have nothing to apologise for..." Freddie replied, then turned to Dustin. "What happened here?"

"I think we crashed as we were getting away from that... thing..." Dustin answered. "The strike leader and his goons just left us here, thinking we're dead."

"Well, that's alright." Drista replied, then gave a devious smile. "Because now we can take them by surprise!"

"Yeah, you're right about that, Drista..." Dustin agreed. "Are you guys alright? Can you guys handle on your own?"

"I think so..." Freddie answered.

Drista stood up, and lost her balance slightly but recovered. She turned around and offered her hand to the peacekeeper.

"Here, Freddie." the tomboy said. "I'll help you up."

Freddie took the tomboy's hand and stood up. Drista felt proud of herself and smiled.

"Okay, now that you guys can stand up, how about focusing on getting out of here?" Dustin asked.

"Yeah, but what about our weapons?" Freddie asked. "The soldiers took them away from us while they were restraining us."

"We can't fight without any weapons." Drista added. "We're gonna die without them."

"Well, you can just take the weapons from the dead soldiers lying around." Dustin suggested. "They're not going to want them back anyway."

"I guess..." Drista responded.

With that, the three looked for any weapon they can find. Dustin picked up a P90 from one of the dead soldiers, while Drista and Freddie picked up an unmodified M4A1. They also picked up a few magazines for their weapons.

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