Chapter 51: SCP-053

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The chief researcher was checking up on a certain SCP, with mind-altering capabilities. He was careful not to make eye contact with her, as the effects will be induced onto him.

The SCP appeared to be a three-year old girl, capable of basic speech and has a cheerful personality. However, she has an effect induced to people who make eye contact, touch, or remain with her up to ten minutes.

He was monitoring the said SCP through a two way mirror, and he only had a limited amount of time to monitor her, before her effects begin to show.

"SCP-053, I'm sorry to inform you this but..." the chief researcher spoke to her through a microphone connected to her cell. "I'll have to leave you to your own devices..."

"W-What?" the girl asked. "But... I thought we were friends... I thought you wouldn't leave me..."

"I'm sorry, but I have to go." the chief researcher replied, completely ignoring her pleas. "I have some matters to attend to."

"But... I want you to stay here with me." the girl continued to beg. "I don't want to be lonely in here."

The chief researcher had still ignored the pleas from the young girl and exited the observation room. The young girl could only hear a door open and close from her room.

"Mister? Are you still there?" the girl asked, hoping to get a response. "Mister?"

The girl didn't get a response, then she realised on what had happened. She hung her head, feeling lonely, as this had happened again.

"Why does nobody want to play with me...?" the girl asked herself, looking down at the dolls in her hands. "I just want to have friends for once..."


The chief researcher was a bit concerned about the young girl, as repeating the monitoring process constantly might affect her greatly. He called on Durham and Athena, to see if they knew any solution to the said concern.

"Sir, why have you called us here?" Durham asked. "Is it something of urgency?"

"It's something regarding SCP-053..." the chief researcher answered.

"What is it about her, sir?" Athena asked. "Is she alright?"

"Well, if we continue our current protocol, then she might not be." the chief researcher answered. "She wants company, but we cannot give her such a thing."

"What are you implying, sir?" Durham asked.

"I need your assistance in trying to find an acquaintance for her." the chief researcher answered. "Someone that couldn't be affected by her anomalous abilities."

"Well, I don't think we're capable of getting such a thing, but... we'll try our best." Durham replied. "Will that be alright, sir?"

A deafening silence ensued.

"Yes, it's all I can say at this time." the chief researcher answered. "Anyways, I'll be trusting you on this and be sure to inform me if you found a solution."

"Yes, sir." the two researchers nodded.

With that, the two researchers had left the chief researcher and went back to their usual routine.


The group were inside the main cafeteria, eating their lunch and talking to each other. It was just their usual conversations about the Foundation and current happenings.

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