Chapter 124: SCP-1522

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A few days passed since the unintentional encounter with Foundation forces, and the remaining members of the Hunter teams and Hoplite Actual had returned to their headquarters.

In the lunch hall, the rookie was eating with the Norwegian operative, when they noticed that their superior was in a heated argument with another officer.

"That entire mission was a bust!" the officer said. "I have no idea who told you that was a good idea! The Foundation's gonna think we were there to kill them!"

"Top brass' orders were to do population control on those things..." the commando answered nonchalantly. "So what if the Foundation was there? They're just collateral damage, we aren't intending to paint them as the target."

"Oh, and it's just fine with you taking one of their own just like that?" the officer countered. "How reckless can you be, Castle? Any more of this nonsense and they'll have you demoted and reassigned."

"Nonsense?" the commando asked. "You mean to tell me that acting in self-defence was nonsense?"

"It's not in self-defense if your team fired the first shot." the officer responded. "Major Gorman's gonna hear about this very soon, you'll see. Once he does, you're out of here for good."

With that, the officer walked off, leaving the commando where he stood. He then left of his own accord, with his right-hand hand following right behind him.

"Should we be worried, ma'am?"

"Nah, not really..." the Norwegian operative waved off. "The regulars always make empty threats like that and they never do anything. It's just pretty normal at this point."

"And... does he always fight with other officers like this?" the rookie asked again.

"Yep, that's Major Edmund Castle for ya... along with his lap dog, Zaire Obasi..." the Norwegian operative answered. "Along with me and you, being proud members of the Hoplite Team..."

"Yeah, right..." the rookie muttered. "What did you say your name was again, ma'am?"

"Sergeant Rika Eriksen..." the Norwegian operative narrowed her eyes. "Did you forget that already, kid?"

"I had so much done in the first day on the field..." the rookie answered. "Yeah, I tend to focus to the point where I forget some things..."

"Right..." the Norwegian operative responded. "Anyways, sometime later, I'll introduce you to the Hoplite Two. They're on a separate operation right now, so you're gonna have to wait."

"And that makes us Hoplite One, right?"

"Yeah, that's us... but..." the Norwegian operative responded with a sigh, then stood up from her seat. "Follow me, rookie."

"Huh?" the rookie reacted. "Where are we going?"

"I'm gonna show you something..." the Norwegian operative answered, before beckoning. "Come on, follow me."


With that, the rookie began to follow behind the Norwegian operative, albeit still confused as to why. After a few moments, the two arrived at Eriksen's office, with the rookie waiting outside as she was instructed to do.

The rookie looked around the hallway, still wondering as to why the Norwegian operative asked her to follow. After a few more seconds of waiting, the Norwegian sergeant emerged from her office, peeking her head out.

"Hey, rookie." she called out. "What're you waiting out here for? Come on, get in here."


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